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Just got back from CFRC - need some advice

ark said:
Should CEOTP/ROTP not turn as you hope there might be another option.

Since you have a lot of working experience, you may be eligible to skip undergrad and go for a Masters degree depending on the nature of your current/past jobs. I knew someone who had 20 years of experience in the IT world, applied for an undergrad degree and was actually offered to go straight into grad school even if he never asked for it.

As someone who has done graduate school (in two different disciplines) I do not recommend this route. 

In fact, I would be cautious of a university which offers you graduate level schooling without an undergraduate degree.  I know it happens on occasion, it just is not really a good idea, especially if you are not a very very strong student. Many of the lessons (formal knowledge and informal lessons like, writing / reading / presentations / lab techniques) you  learned in your undergraduate degree will come in to play during your Masters. There is a reason why graduate school is competitive to get in, and why you need to maintain a higher than undergrad GPA to remain a student.   


ark said:
Should CEOTP/ROTP not turn as you hope there might be another option.

Since you have a lot of working experience, you may be eligible to skip undergrad and go for a Masters degree depending on the nature of your current/past jobs. I knew someone who had 20 years of experience in the IT world, applied for an undergrad degree and was actually offered to go straight into grad school even if he never asked for it.

As a manager, you may be eligible to do for example an intensive MBA in a year or so which will be shorter than a standard undergrad degree. Obviously, you first have to ask yourself if that is something you want to do and have the necessary skills. Then you have to verify (possibly double and triple check) with your CFRC if you can apply as a DEO with a graduate degree but without an undergrad one. If it is a go, you would also have to find a school willing to recognize your experience. A meeting with an academic advisor could be a good start. The poor grades you got will not help you but most science programs usually have low averages anyway.

Should you not be accepted for pilot, you would always have a nice degree to help you in the civvy world.

I do not believe the CF will enroll anyone into the CF and place them on anything other than an Undergraduate Program.  I highly doubt the CF will enroll someone into a Masters, or any other Post Graduate Program, on entry into the Forces.
Fireball said:
but I have to say that one of my least enjoyable trips in a CF aircraft was in an Aurora - old, painfully slow, not well-tempered anymore.  It's the the "Sea King" of fixed-wing aircraft. 

'Yer right out of 'er........

Zoomie said:
I guess you are lucky that Cdnaviator is in Trenton right now and away from keyboard.  The CP-140 is far from slow or old.  She is the second fastest turbo-prop aircraft in the world.  Most of the modern world use the same airframe for their MP and Littoral Ops missions.

Thanks Zoomie.

Fireball said:
I'd like to be close to the combat training action vs sub-hunting and Search & Rescue. 

Humm.....i would just stop talking about Aurora stuff if i were you.

Combat training ? What do you think ASW training flights are ? How about coordinated trg with warships, helos, fighters and other MPAs ?
How about participating in EX MAPLE GUARDIAN supporting our deploying troops by providing overland ISR support ? How about all the trips to 29 Palms  in California helping the USMC with their pre-deployment training for Afghanistan and Iraq ?

Operations  you say ? We have plenty of those. How about counter-narcotics ops in The Caraibean area ? Counter-migrant and counter-drug ops back at home. Northern surveillance, ocean surveillance, international fisheries patrols in Various places around the globe. Lots of bad people out there in the world, not just the Taliban.

Oh, and yes, SAR here and there.......
Sorry CDNAviator,

It wasn't my intention to insult anyone in anyway (please see my post above correcting myself on Buffalo vs Aurora).  My thoughts were to get into to "fighter jet" combat scenarios as opposed to "other" combat scenarios although I am well aware that all aircraft play a role in the bigger picture.

The hornet is my first choice but C-17 or Hercs are running close seconds.  I haven't thought of 3rd options yet but it could very well be Aurora or Griffons if I were to go Helo route.


Fireball said:
Sorry CDNAviator,

It wasn't my intention to insult anyone in anyway (please see my post above correcting myself on Buffalo vs Aurora). 

Oh i didnt feel insulted in any way, rest assured.
Fireball said:
My thoughts were to get into to "fighter jet" combat scenarios as opposed to "other" combat scenarios although I am well aware that all aircraft play a role in the bigger picture.

The closest our boys from Cool Pool and Bag-town get to "combat scenarios"  is the occasional intercept of a Bear bomber (4 in past year).  Even when they deployed to Italy for use in Kosovo - they were dropping bombs from altitude.

If you are interested in getting into a stream that is combat driven I would recommend Tac-Hel (Chinooks are coming) or Maritime Aviation (only 3 combat aircraft in the CF, two of them are in support of the Navy).
Maybe this should be a topic on it's own but here I go anyway.  With Canada's commitment to purchase only 65 F-35s, how does that affect the # of pilot slots for the next 3-5 years, specifically with those who want to fly fighter jets?  It is conceivable to me that those who are lucky enough to get fighter pilot spots from this point onwards will be gearing up not only to fly Hornets but the F-35s as well.

I'm sure it's too early to tell but I'd like to hear opinions :)

Fireball said:
It is conceivable to me that those who are lucky enough to get fighter pilot spots from this point onwards will be gearing up not only to fly Hornets but the F-35s as well.

No. IPs will be sent on 35s first. They're also two completely different beasts.
Fireball said:
Maybe this should be a topic on it's own but here I go anyway.  With Canada's commitment to purchase only 65 F-35s, how does that affect the # of pilot slots for the next 3-5 years, specifically with those who want to fly fighter jets?  It is conceivable to me that those who are lucky enough to get fighter pilot spots from this point onwards will be gearing up not only to fly Hornets but the F-35s as well.

I'm sure it's too early to tell but I'd like to hear opinions :)


Getting way ahead of yourself. On top of that, Canada has commited to buying nothing at all as of yet, let alone the JSF.
I just finished reading this thread and wondered if you had considered either ANAV or AEC.  If you had, or would consider AEC as an option I can answer any questions you might have as I am an instructor at CFSACO(Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Control Operations).

Hi Gazoo,

Thank you for the response.  I know that AEC and ANAV are great fields, but I do have a preference towards driving an aircraft.  It wouldn't be fair to the CF or my colleagues to invest money/time/training in me for other trades if my intention is to remuster in a few years to Pilot.  Not to say it's Pilot or nothing, I would join as an AEC/ANAV if there is a path to Pilot AND my superiors are ok knowing that the above occupations would be a temporary stop (several years) in the long road to Pilot.

How would you handle this situation if you were me?  You have inside knowledge that a great majority of this forum does not.

My first bit of advice would be for you to determine exactly what you want.  From the sounds of it you have your mind set on Pilot.  That's great, and if it is the only thing you want stick to it.  However I believe, based on the info in this thread a couple of things are currently standing in your way:
1 - No degree, and CEOTP 'seems' it's not an option right now;
2 - Eyesight. If you eyes aren't currently suitable for pilot when do you plan to get the surgery, hope it works, wait an appropriate healing time and hope for the best?
3 - Your assesment of 'being 33 years old' and approaching some limitation to becoming a pilot.

As far as there being a path from either ANAV or AEC to Pilot, no it doesn't exist.  However we have had people in the past who have tried pilot first then came to us(AEC), and some who took AEC and tried Pilot later.  The advantage to being a qualified AEC or for that matter any occupation that interests you in the CF, going to Pilot, you will have an occupation to come back to if you are unsuccessful as a Pilot.

But as I said in the first line, if Pilot is all you are interested in, stick with it.  In the CF we really don't want people in occupations they don't like, but I know it happens.  Also in addition to being an AEC instructor I spent 3 years in recruiting in Hamilton.

Hope this helps.
Hi Gazoo,

Thanks for the quick response.  As you have observed, Pilot is what I want and I'm not out to mislead anyone.  I appreciate your honesty and candor.  Just about everything listed as a limitation can be changed with hard work and time (except for age).  33 isn't too old from what I've heard and isn't too young either.  I'd hope that my civvie leadership skills, maturity, experience and enthusiasm would count for "something" during the selection process but I understand that it only makes up a small percentage of the overall score.  I'll hopefully be in line for laser surgery next month.  I'm also waiting to hear back from RMC regarding my Distant Education application to start Sept on a degree.  So many things, so little time.  That's life though!!

Thanks again and I hope I can lean on you going forward if I have any questions/comments or just looking for a kick in the pants!!

No problem.  I'm not retiring for another year, so I'll be around to answer anything I can.