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ISAF: Two Soldiers Killed in 8 Jan 09 Maiwand Bazaar Suicide Bombing

The Bread Guy

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Caveat emptor re:  any government sources from Cuba or China, but I wouldn't have this if it wasn't attributed to a pretty senior AFG district official.  There's no confirmation from MSM elsewhere, and I'll share corroborating or contradicting info as I spot any - .pdfs of original stories attached in case links don't work or disappear.  If true, speedy recovery to all the injured.

"Explosive Attack against NATO in Afghanistan"
Kabul, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) At least three people died and another 10 were injured in a dynamite explosion Thursday against the Canadian troops fighting at the side of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the southern province of Kandahar, military sources said Thursday.  The attack occurred when a man carrying the explosive load adhered to his own body, got close to the soldiers and the explosive device blew up around the commercial center of Maywand, as told by Police Chief Mematullah Khan.  Preliminary reports said three Canadian soldiers were injured and transferred in a helicopter to a hospital in the military base of Kandahar.  However, the spokesman of the Afghan rebels, Mohamad Yusuf Ahmadi, claimed responsibility for the attack on a phone call, and told press media it had been addressed against Canadian soldiers.  Ahmadi said 15 Canadian soldiers died in the attack, and two of their tanks had been destroyed....

"Suicide attack kills 2, wounds 10 in S Afghanistan"
A suicide bomber exploded himself Thursday afternoon near a patrol of international troops stationed in southern Afghan province of Kandahar, killing two civilians and wounding ten others including at least two foreign soldiers, said a police official.  Mematullah Khan, police chief of Maywand district in Kandahar province, told Xinhua that it occurred at around 5 p.m. local time (1230 GMT) when the suicide bomber with explosive strapped under clothes approached the international troops on foot around district center then blew himself up.  "The blast left two civilians dead on the spot and 10 others wounded including at least two foreign soldiers," Mematullah Khan said.  "The wounded soldiers have been evacuated by military plane to their base for treatment," he added.  The police official said it happened in one crowded bazaar where many shops got burned due to the explosion....

This, from the German national wire service
A suicide attack targeting a NATO convoy in southern Afghanistan on Thursday killed three Afghan civilians and wounded ten others, local officials said. Taliban representatives said the attack was carried out by one of their bombers, who attacked a convoy of NATO-led Canadian forces near the main market of Maiwand district in southern Kandahar province on Thursday afternoon.  "Three civilians were killed and seven others, including two children were wounded in the blast," Naimatullah Khan, the district police chief, said. He could not say if there were any casualties among the Canadian forces.  Another police official, who declined to be named, said that three NATO soldiers were also wounded in the attack and were evacuated by helicopter to a military hospital at Kandahar airfield....

and, for what it's worth, the Taliban's version of events....
Thursday noon 08-01-2009 at approximately 4.45 pm local time, a courageous Mujahid of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Hafiz Muhammad of Kandahar province, carried out a martyrdom operation against the Canadian invader forces in a bazaar in Mewand district of Kandahar province, the Mujahid stuck the enemy tanks as the enemy terrorists were standing around them and some were inside them, the blasts was so powerful that it completely destroyed both tanks and killed fifteen Canadian invader terrorists. We ask Allah to accept our brother among martyrs in Eelleyeen (high rank in the paradise). All praise and gratitude are due to Allah. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

- edited to change title of thread, adding German wire service report -
Based on the following, I'm editing the title of the thread....

This evening, a suicide bomber detonated his explosive-packed vehicle in a bazaar in Maywand district, Kandahar province, southern Afghanistan. In the process he killed two ISAF soldiers and a local national, in addition our information currently indicates he wounded 21 innocent Afghans.  General McKiernan, Commander International Security Assistance Force, offered his sincere condolences to the families of those killed, and sympathies for those injured by this callous and indiscriminate attack.  “The bomber’s target was a busy market. We strongly condemn this attack, calculated to cause maximum civilian casualties. Once again this shows the insurgents’ complete disregard for the lives of innocent Afghan citizens. "  "This attack shows the real face of the Taliban, who have claimed responsibility for this barbaric action. The Taliban have no respect for Afghan citizens or desire to see a peaceful future in Afghanistan.”

More from ISAF
Two ISAF soldiers were killed today in a vehicle-borne suicide IED strike in southern Afghanistan.  At this time we understand that in the same incident a significant number of local nationals have regrettably been injured.  “Our sincere condolences go out to the families and friends of the brave soldiers who died during this horrific attack,” said Brigadier General Richard Blanchette, ISAF Spokesperson.  “This attack merely strengthens ISAF’s resolve to support the people of Afghanistan in their fight against an insurgency that seeks to undermine their security.”  It is ISAF policy not to release the nationality of any casualty prior to the relevant national authority doing so.

and from Voice of America:
NATO and Afghan officials say a suicide bomber blew himself up near foreign troops in the southern province of Kandahar, killing three people.  Afghan authorities say three civilians were killed when the bomber detonated explosives as troops patrolled a busy street on foot Thursday in Maiwand district.  NATO confirms that three people were killed in what it describes as a suicide car bombing in Maiwand, but it says two soldiers and one civilian died.  It says 21 Afghans were wounded.  The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack....

Contradictory info:  Associated Press paraphrases Maywand police chief saying, "District Chief Naimatullah Khan could not say whether NATO troops suffered any casualties in the Thursday blast in Maywand district of Kandahar province.  Khan says the attack happened in a street lined with shops, which were also damaged in the blast."

- edited to add VOA corroborating account -
The dead are US soldiers that were killed by a suicide bomber on foot patrol as well as some civilians.

Army Times

2 soldiers dead in Afghanistan bombing

By FISNIK ABRASHI - The Associated Press
Posted : Thursday Jan 8, 2009 18:24:34 EST
KABUL, Afghanistan — A suicide bomber struck U.S. troops patrolling on foot in southern Afghanistan on Thursday, killing at least two soldiers and three civilians and wounding at least nine others, officials said.

The blast followed an allegation from President Hamid Karzai that clashes between U.S.-led troops and insurgents left 17 civilians dead earlier in the week. The U.S. military insists all 32 people killed in the fighting were militants.

It also comes at a time when the U.S. is rushing 20,000 American troops into Afghanistan to combat a Taliban insurgency that has sent violence to record levels.

U.S. officials have warned the violence will probably intensify in the coming year. More U.S. troops, 151, died in Afghanistan in 2008 than in any other year since the 2001 invasion to oust the Taliban.

The bomber hit the U.S. patrol on a busy street lined with shops in Kandahar province’s Maywand district, said district chief Naimatullah Khan. Helicopters took away American casualties, said Khan, but he could not provide any numbers.

The blast killed three civilians, wounded nine others, and damaged a dozen shops, Khan said.

Col. Jerry O’Hara, a U.S. military spokesman, confirmed U.S. casualties as a result of the bombing, but could not give further details.

NATO said two of its soldiers died in the blast but did not provide their nationalities. U.S. soldiers serve as part of the NATO-led force in Afghanistan.

A Taliban spokesman Qari Yousuf Ahmadi claimed responsibility for the blast in a phone call to an AP reporter in southern Afghanistan.

The Taliban regularly use suicide attacks against Afghan and foreign troops, but the majority of victims are civilians. There were 1,160 civilians killed in insurgency-related incidents in 2008, according to an AP casualty count — 368 by foreign and Afghan troops and 768 by the Taliban. Another 26 were caught in crossfire.

Civilian deaths at the hands of coalition troops are a major source of friction between Karzai and foreign troops here, and the latest claims threatened to worsen the tensions.

In a statement Thursday, Karzai said 17 civilians were killed during clashes between U.S.-led troops and insurgents in the eastern Laghman province Tuesday.

Karzai blamed the “terrorists” for using civilians as human shields in their battles with foreign troops, but he also criticized international forces for engaging insurgents in Afghan villages.

The U.S. military, however, said those killed in Tuesday’s battle were militants involved with a bomb-making cell in eastern Laghman province.

“We held (a meeting) with local government officials after the operation, and all local Afghan leaders confirmed that all 32 killed in this operation were hostile militants,” O’Hara, the spokesman, said.

International forces have said they recently revised rules guiding their operations against insurgents throughout the country in order to minimize civilian casualties, but have not disclosed those changes publicly for the sake of their troops’ security.

Meanwhile, Australia’s Defense Force said Thursday it too was investigating allegations that its troops killed or wounded civilians in central Uruzgan province during a series of battles between Taliban insurgents and NATO forces. Australia has about 1,000 troops in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan’s Interior Ministry said 11 civilians were killed in the fighting Sunday and Monday. NATO has said it was only able to confirm nine injured civilians.

Separately, NATO said Thursday a roadside bomb killed one of its soldiers in Kandahar province the previous day. It did not identify the soldier’s nationality.
Dammit, if that's the bazaar I'm thinking of, that place is always really crowded. Lots of kids, too. The thought of someone blowing up a car in a place like that enrages me.  :threat:
The Taliban regularly use suicide attacks against Afghan and foreign troops, but the majority of victims are civilians. There were 1,160 civilians killed in insurgency-related incidents in 2008, according to an AP casualty count — 368 by foreign and Afghan troops and 768 by the Taliban. Another 26 were caught in crossfire.

Unfortunate that the MSM doesn't note this fact when they complain about NATO's "blatant" disregard for civilians.

Prayers go out to the families of the fallen US Soldiers.  :salute:
If you consider that a large proportion of the Taliban kamikazes are not Afghans, you arrive at the conclusion that.... they don't care if the local citzens (men, women, children) are maimed or killed.  To them, these victims of "collateral" damage - become martyrs to the cause ... and they will be welcomed into paradise.
geo said:
If you consider that a large proportion of the Taliban kamikazes are not Afghans, you arrive at the conclusion that.... they don't care if the local citzens (men, women, children) are maimed or killed.  To them, these victims of "collateral" damage - become martyrs to the cause ... and they will be welcomed into paradise.

Same goes for the AFG "bosses" who send them into the markets, right?

Condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of the latest fallen  :salute:
My condolences to the families and comrades of the two Soldiers killed in the attack.  :salute:
milnews.ca said:
Same goes for the AFG "bosses" who send them into the markets, right?

That falls under the category of "in sha Allah".... if God wills it! 
Remember the guy that shot the Pope?

He said ideology wasn't important. The imoprtant thing is to be an international terrorist.

A famous terrorist said there are no innocent people. We are all guilty and need to be killed. THAT includes children.
There were still more attacks today. Three Americans were killed on Friday while a bazaar was bombed in Zaranj, the capital of Nimroz province.


At least 14 killed in Afghanistan violence
By Dexter Filkins Published: January 9, 2009

Kabul: Five American soldiers and nine Afghans were killed in a string of incidents in Afghanistan on Thursday and Friday, according to local officials and the U.S.-led coalition.
On Friday, three American soldiers on patrol in southern Afghanistan were killed when their armored Humvee struck a large roadside bomb, according to the coalition.
The three were traveling in Zabul province, near the border of neighboring Kandahar province, when their vehicle hit the bomb. They were riding along Highway One, the main road that links Kandahar and the south with the Afghan capital, Kabul. The 280-mile (460-kilometer) stretch of highway has been the scene of many Taliban attacks on American convoys.
On Thursday, two American soldiers and three Afghan civilians were killed near Kandahar when a suicide bomber drove an explosive-packed car into a crowded bazaar, according to coalition officials. The blast wounded 21 civilians.
The attack occurred in Maiwand, a district west of Kandahar that has been the site of numerous attacks against American forces and Afghan government officials. The Americans were on foot patrol at the time.
Qari Yousuf Ahmadi, a spokesman for the Taliban, claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing in a telephone interview. He said the bomber was an Afghan man.
In a third incident, a suicide bomber struck another bazaar Friday morning, this time in Zaranj, the capital of Nimroz province, also in southwestern Afghanistan. The suicide bomber, wearing an explosive belt and riding a motorcycle, parked outside a fruit shop where a local police commander, identified by local officials as Gul Mohammed, was shopping. The bomber stepped inside and blew himself up.
Mohammed was killed, as were at least five others, including another police officer, according to Nimroz Governor Ghulam Dastagir Azad.
At least three other Afghans were wounded.