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Intense "300" movie sequel, "300:Rise of an Empire" coming in March 2014

Looks awesome!!  Glad to see some good movies coming out again!

Man of Steel (Based on my childhood, pretty much my autobiography  ;) ) was directed by Zack Snyder too.  He has come out with some great flicks lately.
One of these days they'll put out a movie about the ...


That they should call 'Pissing it all away: the Greek way of war'.

I will particularly like the ironic part where the Spartans side with the Persians against the other Greek city states. ::)
daftandbarmy said:
One of these days they'll put out a movie about the ...


That they should call 'Pissing it all away: the Greek way of war'.

I will particularly like the ironic part where the Spartans side with the Persians against the other Greek city states. ::)

With all due respect - why see a movie when in my opinion and that of a lot of other people, we are reliving it.

I didn't think the last post had posted - I had made changes to my mouse and keyboard setup

Sooo, some explanation  is  in order
Authors bio link  here http://www.truthdig.com/chris_hedges#bio

Article link I was referring to here 

One may not care for him but when he and his colleagues sue POTUS over denial of due process, and Win and the POTUS, Saint Obama Appeals then you might want to take note.

Google Hedges and NDAA National defence authorization act

If I offend - but if you look at my sources I hope you'll agree that the Representative democracy in the west is in a very precarious state.  And there are players who wish this trend to continue. China, Russia  Loobyists and so forth.

At the same time we are beset by internal divisions. I feel the Ford "end the gravy train" approach could be very effective at NDHQ and DND Procurement

As if ...
Inquisitor said:
I didn't think the last post had posted - I had made changes to my mouse and keyboard setup

Sooo, some explanation  is  in order
Authors bio link  here http://www.truthdig.com/chris_hedges#bio

Article link I was referring to here 

I am confused, what has this got to do with either the movie "300" or it's sequel?
dangerboy said:
I am confused, what has this got to do with either the movie "300" or it's sequel?

When there is conspiracy going on all around you, everything has to do with everything.  ::)
Inquisitor said:
I didn't think the last post had posted - I had made changes to my mouse and keyboard setup

Sooo, some explanation  is  in order
Authors bio link  here http://www.truthdig.com/chris_hedges#bio

Article link I was referring to here 

One may not care for him but when he and his colleagues sue POTUS over denial of due process, and Win and the POTUS, Saint Obama Appeals then you might want to take note.

Google Hedges and NDAA National defence authorization act

If I offend - but if you look at my sources I hope you'll agree that the Representative democracy in the west is in a very precarious state.  And there are players who wish this trend to continue. China, Russia  Loobyists and so forth.

At the same time we are beset by internal divisions. I feel the Ford "end the gravy train" approach could be very effective at NDHQ and DND Procurement

As if ...

Dragging threads off course with stuff like this only leads to a fast track out the door here.

You're short history here is too reminiscent of another troublemaker from your fair city that is starting to prove too coincidental.

That's your warning. You won't get another.

Who would have thought that Herodotus would have left out such a significant fact of history as the creation of aluminium foil to block the penetration of alien psychic probes on the ancient Greeks?  Who would have guessed that the lack of proper headgear today would have us reliving those ancient battles?  Where does the blame lay? Global Warming?  Harper?  What does POTUS have to do with all this?  Will the Occupy Movement or Idle No More rise to the occasion and clog our city streets and public places?  My God!  The Horror.
George Wallace said:
Who would have thought that Herodotus would have left out such a significant fact of history as the creation of aluminium foil to block the penetration of alien psychic probes on the ancient Greeks?  Who would have guessed that the lack of proper headgear today would have us reliving those ancient battles?  Where does the blame lay? Global Warming?  Harper?  What does POTUS have to do with all this?  Will the Occupy Movement or Idle No More rise to the occasion and clog our city streets and public places?  My God!  The Horror.

Little known fact is full face bronze "Corinthian" helmets were as effective as aluminum or tinfoil in blocking alien rays. Since this was common knowledge in ancient Greece, Herodotus didn't feel it necessary to include in "The History"  ;)

Back on track, if we are going to see more movies on the Persian Wars, I for one would like to see "Gates of Fire" finally translated into a movie. The battle of Salamis (480 B.C) would also be a great setting for an epic Persian Wars film as well.
This is the same movie as the previous. No developing story. Just constant slow motion effects and spear chucking with the exception of sex scenes and random conversations while walking (typical White House scenes in modern movies).
Sharp said:
This is the same movie as the previous. No developing story. Just constant slow motion effects and spear chucking with the exception of sex scenes and random conversations while walking (typical White House scenes in modern movies).

Some of us are simple and enjoy these kinds of movies - little or no thought required.
300= "Killin' followed more Killin'= Best movie ever made. Now there's a sequel?.....Giddy-Up!
For people who want their history shaken, not stirred, there is a very good book about the The Battle of Salamis: The Battle of Salamis The Naval Encounter That Saved Greece -- and Western Civilization.


I don't know... a movie featuring nearly naked men with oiled up torsos about the Battle of Salamis...

dapaterson said:
I don't know... a movie featuring nearly naked men with oiled up torsos about the Battle of Salamis...

Considered yourself milpointed Mister!
Themistocles on his horse: Athenians!!!!!!!!! What is your profession??!  :blotto:

(Yes finally saw "300: the Rise of an empire" and I liked it)



What's Themistocles doing fighting on horseback on Triremes at sea?  :eek:
Saw it this weekend.  Liked it as well. 

You just have to remember that, like 300, it  is a movie based on a comic book.  In that regard it did a good job.