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Independent Batteries


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Ok, this may be a question that has been answered or that the Arty or that it may be already doing, but here goes.

Just reading up on Artillery operations in Iraq, and as I understand it Marine Artillery Regiments were divided on a battalion basis to the maneuver units of the Marine Division (for example 1/11 went with 1 Marines, 2/11 went with 5 Marines and 3/11 with 7 Marines - I think the fourth battalion was kept as a divisional reserve?).   Anyways, do you Gunners see this as being possible, with a little organizational moving, at the Brigade Group level?   Batteries could be detached to the fast-moving battalions on an attack; able to mass their fires for regimental shoots if required but really focused on providing the battalion commander with his own source of indirect firepower.

I know batteries have been deployed independently on operations, but I wasn't sure if this was an ad hoc measure.   Is busting up an Artillery Regiment and assigning it to the maneuver unit commanders feasible, or is this too low a level (ie: Marines can do it at Div levels, but doing it lower wouldn't work).   Would there be a requirement to alter manning levels at the battery level and/or regimental level?

I don't know much about the lay of the land with the Arty side, but I was just curious if we would do this or if we would want to keep everything at the Brigade level.

This is what Arty has done for many years, but not as Independent Btys. The Regts have regimental affiliations with units such as in my day 1 Brigade had 3RCHA. Within the Brigade each Battle Group had an affiliation with a Bty so in the 3RCR battle group G Bty was direct sp affiliated Bty, J went with PPCLI and H was with the LDSH. Since guns are always in action and all Battle groups cant fight at same time as the Bg rotates a Battle group to the front the Regt would change affiliations so each Battle group would get a Bty attached to it as it went into action. The gun line never really saw this but the FOOs sure had fun marring up ever 12 hours. With 3 FOOs per Battle group you get a FOO with each Cbt Team. Same thing would happen at low level as a Cbt Tm would rotate to point and lead the attack the FOO would rotate from each Cbt Tm as they rotated forward to the fight. The 4th Bty would be reserve.
It worked very well since the FOO knew who his Cbt Tm commander was and could adapt the plan to fit each guys personality oh and do they have personality. To be selected as a FOO then required you fit the personality of the element you went to sp. Guys got fired if they didnt fit in with the affiliated unit.

Scroll down to artillery tactical tasks and read thorugh the slides.

3rd Horseman will remember that a Regiment's batteries use to allocated in "direct support" of a supported arm.  As 3rd Horseman metioned, each battery was affilated with their unit (1 PPCLI - G Bty, 2 PPCLI - J Bty, 3 PPCLI - H Bty, etc).  Your tactical grouping is dependent on your tactical environment.  If you are on a fast paced, open advance to contact, it may make sense to group at least an artillery battery with your lead Battle group in order to push them forward a quickly as possible and provide close artillery suppoprt at a moments notice.  Or if you are in a defensive battle it would make more sense to maintain centralized control so you can bring the weight of fire on a target.     

How about attaching composite batteries to independent Battlegroups/Taskforces?  You have already moved someways along that road by "adding" a mortar troop to a gun battery as I understand it (admittedly by reducing the gun-line), but just supposing you got some of these "wunderwaffen" like the GMRLS or Netfires or even an Arty MMEV, could you incorporate an attached troop from a different system into an independent battery structure?

This is assuming a relatively low rate of fire - on call to meet occasional fire support missions.


Anyone got an answer for Kirkhill?

Sorry I didn't think this thread was still active.  Artillery tactical grouping is very flexible and you can task tailor it to the mission.  On Op PALLADIUM Roto 6(+) until Roto 10, there was a battery of 6 light guns deployed to Bosnia.  Op ATHENA Roto 0 and 1 also had a four light gun battery.  Op ARCHER will also have an artillery battery consisting of the M777 light 155 mm with precision strike capability.  Each of these organization would have the requisite echelon requirements (FCS techs, met techs, etc) that would allow the battery to operate independently.

So in answer to your question, yes. 

See the thread on "whither the artillery" for additional information on the artillery.  Mortars are an "on the shelf" capability that will be rolled out as required, not as a self contained capability.


r battle groups go overseas with a composite battery as it stands right now. 
Cheers and thanks Gunner. 'Preciate the intervention Infanteer. :)