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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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Don't lump Protestants in with all that Catholic guilt. 😉

"Original Sin" is a call to self improvement and getting right with God, not an excuse to wallow in guilt and self doubt.

What has lead to thr Western worlds self doubt and self destructive behaviors is the lack of a unifying belief in the grand narratives of our civilization. Freedom, equality, and strong impartial institutions are what makes the West great. We forget that at our own peril.

Edit: Romans 3:22-23 is a pretty good argument against anti-semitism as well. Jews and Gentiles are all equally worthless in the eyes of God. 😂
Catholics only??? Like Hell. LOL. The Puritans had a bug up their backside about Original Sin. The Southern Baptists? A similar anal bug. My uncle in the U.S. was a Nazarene Minister who could go on for hours about sin and how unless we sought redemption in Christ the Almighty we were doomed to hell. Hey, at least the Catholics can go out and commit sin and then get absolution for it. Hail Mary, light a candle, etc. etc. However I do agree with you about the lack of a unifying belief in “the grand narrative“ of our civilization.
But to go where? They need to be realistic; they won’t gain any real traction with the CPC, and the NDP are, at very best, a perpetual LPC kingmaker who utterly lack clout in foreign affairs. I don’t see where else they can reasonably expect much relevant influence.

There are a few places I can suggest where they can stick their donations…
But to go where? They need to be realistic; they won’t gain any real traction with the CPC, and the NDP are, at very best, a perpetual LPC kingmaker who utterly lack clout in foreign affairs. I don’t see where else they can reasonably expect much relevant influence.
yet none of the lpc morals or social stands are in line with what they believe. The only thing the liberals have on them is that they are the party that opened the flood gates to allow them in. Their beliefs are more conservative than anything else
yet none of the lpc morals or social stands are in line with what they believe. The only thing the liberals have on them is that they are the party that opened the flood gates to allow them in. Their beliefs are more conservative than anything else
Why do you assume that being Muslim to some greater or lesser degree means they must be inherently conservative? The same argument could be made about Christians or Jews, based largely on the same texts and similar traditions.

The reality is that a share religious/cultural identity is still a very blurry and messy Venn diagram. The broad Muslim population in Canada spans a wide range of degrees of devoutness and orthodoxy, a multitude of sects, and a number of generations both by age and by generations of family raised in Canada. The Muslim population is no more monolithic than any other. Parties can assume otherwise at their peril.
Why do you assume that being Muslim to some greater or lesser degree means they must be inherently conservative? The same argument could be made about Christians or Jews, based largely on the same texts and similar traditions.

The reality is that a share religious/cultural identity is still a very blurry and messy Venn diagram. The broad Muslim population in Canada spans a wide range of degrees of devoutness and orthodoxy, a multitude of sects, and a number of generations both by age and by generations of family raised in Canada. The Muslim population is no more monolithic than any other. Parties can assume otherwise at their peril.
When I was in Turkey back in 2015 our tour guid explained that many Turks were as Muslim as most Canadians were Christian... it's ancestry/custom more than real belief.

Catholics only??? Like Hell. LOL. The Puritans had a bug up their backside about Original Sin. The Southern Baptists? A similar anal bug. My uncle in the U.S. was a Nazarene Minister who could go on for hours about sin and how unless we sought redemption in Christ the Almighty we were doomed to hell.
I was raised Baptist, Atlantic Convention not Southern, being unworthy because you're a sinner isn't the same as guilt... I'm not responsible for Adam or Eve eating God's favourite pears. I'm responsible for me, and me alone.

After 18 years, three times each Sunday. I get triple credit for time served. 😁
Why do you assume that being Muslim to some greater or lesser degree means they must be inherently conservative? The same argument could be made about Christians or Jews, based largely on the same texts and similar traditions.

The reality is that a share religious/cultural identity is still a very blurry and messy Venn diagram. The broad Muslim population in Canada spans a wide range of degrees of devoutness and orthodoxy, a multitude of sects, and a number of generations both by age and by generations of family raised in Canada. The Muslim population is no more monolithic than any other. Parties can assume otherwise at their peril.
I don’t know for you but to me, being religious means having conservative beliefs.
My take on all this is that we, as a nation and as a civilization, are carrying a huge load of guilt.
You can thank PET and others for that - especially those academics who's views are "all white people are evil". Guilty white champagne socialists who have the temerity to tell us what we should believe. Eff them.
When I was in Turkey back in 2015 our tour guid explained that many Turks were as Muslim as most Canadians were Christian... it's ancestry/custom more than real belief.

I was raised Baptist, Atlantic Convention not Southern, being unworthy because you're a sinner isn't the same as guilt... I'm not responsible for Adam or Eve eating God's favourite pears. I'm responsible for me, and me alone.

After 18 years, three times each Sunday. I get triple credit for time served. 😁

Can't tell the players without a program.

He forgot a few - Nestor's Oriental Churches for starters.
Can't tell the players without a program.

He forgot a few - Nestor's Oriental Churches for starters.
The joke back home was "How do you know a Baptist congregation was still alive at the end of the sermon? They stand up for the closing hymn."

Not exactly what most people imagine when they hear Baptist...

Our Pastors all held a Masters of Divinity from Acadia University, so they had a genuine education, and tended to lean heavily into history.
I don’t know for you but to me, being religious means having conservative beliefs.
I religiously believe in more ammunition, if that’s not conservative then nothing is.

But look here, there’s only one religion that has opened up its beliefs to wide and damned near wild asymmetric interpretation on the altar of inclusion and tolerance. At which point it became a clown show, and a lousy one at that. The other 2 main religions - the original and the cheap knock off - they hold on tight and that won’t change. This is important because for both of them, there’s no separation of church and state. As a Christian, I can lose my religion and still win a war. Not true for the others, especially Israel because defeat = extermination.
I don’t know for you but to me, being religious means having conservative beliefs.
Like these guys for example?
More shades of grey out there than we think - everyone's mileage will vary.
When I was in Turkey back in 2015 our tour guid explained that many Turks were as Muslim as most Canadians were Christian... it's ancestry/custom more than real belief ...
Like Bosnian Muslilms, I'm guessing - how many of them abstain from pork, drink ZERO alcohol and go to mosque?

Like others smarter than me have said upthread, I suspect there's more to "the Muslim vote" than the socially conservative demographic. Besides, I'm also going to guess the REALLY socially conservative ones are already in Team Blue's camp.

Threading back to the war directly, Institute for the Study of War has this part 1 of Hamas' ORBAT based on OS info ....
Why do you assume that being Muslim to some greater or lesser degree means they must be inherently conservative? The same argument could be made about Christians or Jews, based largely on the same texts and similar traditions.

The reality is that a share religious/cultural identity is still a very blurry and messy Venn diagram. The broad Muslim population in Canada spans a wide range of degrees of devoutness and orthodoxy, a multitude of sects, and a number of generations both by age and by generations of family raised in Canada. The Muslim population is no more monolithic than any other. Parties can assume otherwise at their peril.
The whole Middle east!
Like others smarter than me have said upthread, I suspect there's more to "the Muslim vote" than the socially conservative demographic. Besides, I'm also going to guess the REALLY socially conservative ones are already in Team Blue's camp.

I kinda suspect the same. I also agree that the LPC act as if they owned them something like they do for a lot of people. When I said conservative, I didn’t mean necessarily politically more socially.
I religiously believe in more ammunition, if that’s not conservative then nothing is.

But look here, there’s only one religion that has opened up its beliefs to wide and damned near wild asymmetric interpretation on the altar of inclusion and tolerance. At which point it became a clown show, and a lousy one at that. The other 2 main religions - the original and the cheap knock off - they hold on tight and that won’t change. This is important because for both of them, there’s no separation of church and state. As a Christian, I can lose my religion and still win a war. Not true for the others, especially Israel because defeat = extermination.

Since I was more on the social side than on the political side and that in that case they are often intertwined, I kinda go with that as a generality.
You can thank PET and others for that - especially those academics who's views are "all white people are evil". Guilty white champagne socialists who have the temerity to tell us what we should believe. Eff them.
except the kids are spending 12 years being indoctrinated to the same manner of thinking. Even dedicated parents have a hard time pushing uphill against this type of pressure. One reason why both private schools and home study are becoming more popular.
except the kids are spending 12 years being indoctrinated to the same manner of thinking. Even dedicated parents have a hard time pushing uphill against this type of pressure. One reason why both private schools and home study are becoming more popular.

Dude, private schools are not free of the hysterical thinking prevalent elsewhere these days either, believe me ;)