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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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The present government are a bunch of fence sitters waiting to see what is the most politically favorable stance to take. Even in the face of heinous crimes such as this they are waiting to see which way the wind blows before taking a position. Utterly despicable.
The present government are a bunch of fence sitters waiting to see what is the most politically favorable stance to take. Even in the face of heinous crimes such as this they are waiting to see which way the wind blows before taking a position. Utterly despicable.

I would say that's most of the west. I think many of our nations are looking at what's going on. Our decisions in the past and our immigration policies and the image and future isn't great. And that's a hard pill to swallow for our Western Liberal Democracies.

We made this bed, now we either have to change the sheets or sleep in it.
And that was what Trudeau was afraid of. His policies/announcements are based on votes to remain in power.

Finally, yesterday, after how long and how much confirmed evidence:

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly is condemning sexual violence committed by Hamas during its attack on Israel, after weeks of pressure to speak out. "Using sexual violence as a tactic of war is a crime," Joly wrote Thursday on X, formerly known as Twitter.

You would not see commentary like this in the Cdn media.

‘Cannot be trusted’: Sky News host slams media ‘echoing’ Hamas claims​


Now she can speak because they have lost the Muslim vote.
I would say that's most of the west. I think many of our nations are looking at what's going on. Our decisions in the past and our immigration policies and the image and future isn't great. And that's a hard pill to swallow for our Western Liberal Democracies.

We made this bed, now we either have to change the sheets or sleep in it.
Jordan Peterson has a viable explanation in the Post for those who subscribe. Not an enjoyable read and his resentment over his own treatment certainly can be read into the background yet it is both plausible and terrifying to think about.
Jordan Peterson has a viable explanation in the Post for those who subscribe. Not an enjoyable read and his resentment over his own treatment certainly can be read into the background yet it is both plausible and terrifying to think about.

Can you share it ?
Time for Trudeau to wield his vast international influence to convene a ceasefire.

milhouse GIF
You know it's strange. When I went through university a few decades ago the vast bulk of us were there to get an education. There were a few folks who were in the less difficult faculties who constantly ran off at the mouth and got into the student union and ran the university paper. This small group were rabble rousers and everyone, including the administration, left them to play in their own sandbox and didn't pay much attention to them.

Somewhere since then administrators started kotowing to their ridiculous demands and social positions. My guess is that the vast majority of students are still there to get an education and wander past the protests. There seem to be just enough critical mass to these movements so that administrators don't confront them for fear of being labelled with one or another of the derogatory adjectives du jour.

It's sad. Education matters. There is too much proselytizing going on in schools these days whether its old far right religious beliefs or the newer far left dogmas.

You’ve exactly described my time at Brandon University in the mid 80’s.
I would say that's most of the west. I think many of our nations are looking at what's going on. Our decisions in the past and our immigration policies and the image and future isn't great. And that's a hard pill to swallow for our Western Liberal Democracies.

We made this bed, now we either have to change the sheets or sleep in it.
My take on all this is that we, as a nation and as a civilization, are carrying a huge load of guilt. Christianity is largely founded on the concept of original sin. And Canada now seems to bend over backwards to do almost anything that could possibly smack of moral wrongdoing. After all, we as Canadians (as Justin often says) are better than that…yada, yada. Everyone seems so hellbent on offending any religious, ethnic or racial group that we easily cave in to the many pressure groups, crusading media, Big Business claiming they have all the solutions and especially the horribly corrupt United Nations demanding that we accept huge numbers of refugees, many of whom are out to destroy us.

Both the Liberals and Conservatives have allowed this country to go down the drain, but especially the Liberals have done most of the damage. I must confess that I consider myself a Liberal wannabe, however I am totally turned off after seeing how seriously this country has been declining over the years in stature, economic performance and quality of life. The world is on the brink of war and Justin simply fiddles while the world burns. In the past I’ve said that I’m no fan of Poilievre. If he ends up being our next PM I only hope that he helps begin some true positive change and not simply take us back to the Harper years. Unfortunately, I fear that he is too much the tool of powerful petroleum and other interests, some of whom have their feet planted firmly in both the Liberal and Conservative camps. I guess we’ll have to wait and see as Justin’s party is almost certainly and deservedly going down to a humiliating defeat at the polls.

That is quite the article. Funny, I was reading it in JPs voice in my mind lol

Big fan of the man.
JL80 you might find that the same article responds to your comments as well. It isn't Christianity that has led to the mess we are in but the rejection of all sense of morality by the so-called elite. And more and more people are rebelling against it. Whether you like him or not, Trump was the first major leader to pull those who are frustrated with the direction things are headed together and respond to their complaints. Unfortunately, they got branded as right-wing kooks just as, in a similar way, our truckers did. Most of Trumps supporters, most of the drivers aren't radicals they are just frustrated.
My take on all this is that we, as a nation and as a civilization, are carrying a huge load of guilt. Christianity is largely founded on the concept of original sin.
Don't lump Protestants in with all that Catholic guilt. 😉

"Original Sin" is a call to self improvement and getting right with God, not an excuse to wallow in guilt and self doubt.

What has lead to thr Western worlds self doubt and self destructive behaviors is the lack of a unifying belief in the grand narratives of our civilization. Freedom, equality, and strong impartial institutions are what makes the West great. We forget that at our own peril.

Edit: Romans 3:22-23 is a pretty good argument against anti-semitism as well. Jews and Gentiles are all equally worthless in the eyes of God. 😂