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Feature Requests

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
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Please post your ideas for new features here!
Not sure if this is a feature request or a just a complaint....

If you don't level up with your CR and drain it you have to wait hours for it to refresh such as for me I will have to wait 1hr 50mins per single point of CR.... Meaning I am not playing for Hours and if I want or require to wait till my CR is full it will be close to 26hrs of waiting to play again.

So IMO seems like an extrodinary amount of time to wait for even just a single point of CR to regen..Perhaps waiting 2hrs would be ok if it was for complete CR regen...

Yes I am a big cry baby  :crybaby:

BulletMagnet said:
...Perhaps waiting 2hrs would be ok if it was for complete CR regen...

Agreed, that's what I thought it was too (?)

Waiting ~40 minutes for a single point is basically going to make this game real-time and take decades to conquer Afghanistan.

Just working out the numbers here, you'll be able to run about 10 points' worth of missions in the morning, when you get home from work, and then a couple more before bed.

I guess that also hints at the strategy that early on you should spend more of your PER points going for rapid replen as opposed to max available CR points.


As a feature request, now that I have thought of what I just did above, is there any way to add +/- bars in the PER points categories so we can shift them around to meet our flexible strategy?  IE I have my 24 PER points and for a certain mission it might suggest moving them around a bit, etc.
Don't forget though, your full CR count regens every 24 hours. If you have 10 max CR, that's 1 point every 2.4 hours. If you have 100 max CR, that's 1 point every .24 hours, etc. So as you increase your max CR, your wait time for that next point goes down... very quickly at first.

Increasing Initiative is good, but it only knocks your refill timer down by 1 minute... initially, increasing your max CR will drop the timer to your next point much faster. At some point though, it'll probably pay to focus more on initiative. Almost seems like this should go in the tactics thread now... :)
Oh look, we got our first Dev tip! Max CR first!
Now that I have 4 x more medals in this game than I do in real life, how about some sort of ribbon rack under your game status bar in the signature block? 

I know at first this might seem like glory hunting, but if you actually look at the types of things you get medals for it's kind of comical if anything (like the "I have a real life" medal).
Perhaps Double Doubles in stock can either reduce the amount of CR used for however many turns you have.  (You buy 5 coffees, so for the next five turns you don't lose any/lose less CR)

Disclaimer; I haven't unlocked the coffee yet so if this is already the purpose of that item... disregard the above idea.

Edit: Didn't see all the seperate threads for suggestions..... can this post be moved/merged into the appropriate thread?

Additional edit: If you have coffee in stock but are out of CR, it could accelerate the regeneration.
How'd you get medals already? Maybe I shouldn't have spent all my time on Desert Ram and Maple Guardian. I think I was trying to make it more like real life, the predeployment training is longer than the tour.
It's a good idea Petamocto... I started with a very simple 'badge' but I can see adding a splash of colour to it. :) Glad you got the 'comical' nature of it... I realize you guys all do a tough job and there's no way I could capture that in a simple game, but hopefully it's entertaining none the less.

Midget, the coffee is just an item at the moment... needed for a super-secret mission when you get on the ground. ;) I actually considered a medal for drinking 100 coffees, but haven't... yet.

I will say that I had created that part way back during Roll Up The Rim last spring, and the Coffee icon was the red cup we all know and love. Maybe this year coming I'll put prizes under the rims! ;)
Start planning for the Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, St Patricks Day, April Fools themes to crop up in the game.  ;D
PuckChaser said:
How'd you get medals already? Maybe I shouldn't have spent all my time on Desert Ram and Maple Guardian. I think I was trying to make it more like real life, the predeployment training is longer than the tour.

lol............in the same boat here!
I don't know if its already coded this way, but a player should at least have to complete DAG Green once and Travel to Afghanistan once as Ops before they are allowed to go to KAF and run missions there. Would give a little bit more realism to it, and it doesn't actually take that long to get those first 2 missions complete.
Option to;
go to the gym
go to the ranges
go to canada house and tell outside the wire stories, loudly, to make kaf bound soldiers feel small.
wear "illegal kit" (underarmor, chestrigs!). Wearing illegal kit increases mission success % but you risk being caught by the RSM and loose CR.
able to trade in items you don't use (green cadpat, blanks)

Paint application where we can write graffiti on bathroom stalls
"get out of jail free card" card to save for when commander of CEFCOM comes to talk about himself- use card to get away from boring "generals hour"
Different wepaons
PuckChaser said:
....I was trying to make it more like real life, the predeployment training is longer than the tour.

Dammit, keyboard...coffee-stained...

PC, that was funny...true, but funny just the same!  ;D

Thanks for the ideas! Some are already in there but you've got a few gems there. :)
Perhaps we could have a detailed list of medals (so name, picture, how to obtain, bonuses, etc) so we know what to work towards?

If this is already in the game, and has limited access, then that's great.
Hi crooks,

The medal chest opens up at rank 4. It shows all the medals and the next 'tier' that you need to work towards. Once you unlock that tier, the next tier is visible, etc. Some medals will be very easy, some very hard.

I didn't make everything available from day 1 because I didn't want it to be overwhelming. Start simple, get the hang of that and then expand a bit. :)

Don't worry though, any progress towards medals earned prior to rank 4 will still count... you just can't see them or cash them in.
I know that on the signature badge it shows "Rank" as in "Level", but as it is a numerical "rank" that at a glance looks as if someone who just joined is "Rank: 1" = best player playing the game.

If you're going to keep it as rank means higher number = better, can we tie it to an actual Army rank or something?  For example, bracket the ranks so if you go NCM, "Rank" (game level) 1-3 would be Pte, 4-6 Cpl, etc?  It could be adjusted later either on a bell curve or just make the top ranks something like CWO = "Rank" (game level) 1,000-1,500.

Either that or if you don't want to use actual ranks, maybe put it into context like a page number, which would show your ranking out of how many players there are?  So right now Mike's status on the badge would show up as "Rank 2/120 players". (?)
I add on to Petamocto:

Pte(R) - Level 1
Pte(B) - Level 2
Pte(T) - Level 3
Cpl (0) - Level 4
Cpl (1) - Level 5

Etc, Etc. The bracket numbers would be the IPC level.