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Current Ranks


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What is your current Serving, or former rank.
Great poll, I‘ve often wondered this myself!

Just a quick note: The identity of voters cannot be discerned, in case you‘re concerned about anonymity...

LOL. It would be amusing if someone voted General.
Don‘t laugh, we‘ve been known to have Generals here, though usually they keep to themselves.
I am quite happy to see a Lcol on the poll, I am hoping he is aserving member and keeping "in touch" with what the soldiers have to say and are saying. Cheers

nm, I tried to use the poll on a computer at my school, but now that I‘m home, it works
On the subject of ranks, what are your opinions of direct entry corporals for those who have encountered such?
If you mean someone who has experience in a given field as a civilian then joins the army and is promoted right away I think it‘s very stupid. Part of being a corporal isn‘t just technical skill, it‘s time in the military. Experience gained through trial and error and leadership. Corporal ranks are just thrown away in the reserves but in the reg force, and correct em if im wrong, it takes 4 years to get promoted. For most people that means they have to sign on for a second contract right?
The idea that a civilian can have a police foundations course (joke) or have some electrician schooling and join the military and be bumped up to corporal, outranking a private with 3 and a half years in bugs me.
Your right Ghost, Corporal rank is thrown away in the Reserves. I‘ve seen guys get their second hook right off there QL3 because they were a recruit for two years.

Infact I hate the rank of corporal altogeather. Any rank that has only TI as a prerequisite devalues the rank structure altogeather. We all know even retards can stick around long enough to get a second hook, I‘ve seen good and bad privates and good and bad corporals, (both reg and res) and nothing is more silly to see one troop (a piss-poor guy who has two hooks) trying to boss around another troop (a switched on private). I like the British system (our old way) where a troop is a troop and a corporal is an NCO. None of this pseudo-rank crap.

Although I can appreciate the problem with having TI as the only criteria for Cpl, this whole issue has been around since before unification. In ‘Dam*‘ the torpedos‘, Paul Hellyer (defence minister) had to reconcile the needs of the army with the air force. The latter could make technicians Cpls with no leadership training, wheras in the army a demanding leadership course was required. It was decided to ‘inflate‘ army privates to Cpls to bring the two in line.
Of course it has never really worked out as advertised. The different technical and leadership skills can‘t be bridged.
Our military of 52,000 can‘t afford completely separate army, navy and airforce, but this is one issue that needs to be revisited.
I keep forgetting to ask the CFRC this question, but what exactly IS an Acting Cpl? I‘m assuming its a base level Cpl, a Cpl without some type of course, or something to do with direct entry.
There is really no difference between an Acting Corporal and a regular Corporal except perhaps for time in.
Infact I hate the rank of corporal altogeather. Any rank that has only TI as a prerequisite devalues the rank structure altogeather. We all know even retards can stick around long enough
This seems like an unfair statement. The purpose of the Cpl rank is to identify those soldiers who have been around long enough to have learned from some mistakes, gained some experience, and learned the trade. The Cpl can be given a task and left to do it. The Pte is not ready for this, because the Pte is not familiar enough with the job. If a Cpl cannot be left to do a task, then it is a failing of leadership; that Cpl should not have been reengaged. That Cpl is not a reflection of the rank.

Did you know that the only requirement, for a Lt to be promoted to Capt, is time in?

what exactly IS an Acting Cpl?
An Acting Cpl is a Pte Acting in the Rank of Cpl. It is also temporary.
If they do bring back lance corporals, I want to see good conduct badges brought back, too.


That means a lance corporal with his CD would have three chevrons, and if he was a really, really good boy, he would get four chevrons after 16 years.

We don‘t have enough of that boy scout sh*t on our uniforms, if you ask me.

Of course, when I was a Fin Clk (when such things existed) a friend suggest I get a brass buckle for my Garrison belt with a big dollar sign ( $ ) that lights up right in the middle. That actually appealed to me....