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CNN News Exec Quits Over Remarks He Made At Davos re American Soldiers


Puggled and Wabbit Scot.
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This story has been around now for about 3 weeks on the Internet but only surfaced in the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times last week.  None of the other Media seem to be picking it up.

Eason Jordan is responsible for the News content of CNN and from what I gather their editorial slant.

At an open forum in Davos, Switzerland he made the statement that American soldiers targeted and killed journalists.  To the great approval of many anti-Americans and Arabs there.  But to the anger of even Anti-War American Senators and Congressmen.  He has since tried to back out of the statement but has now apparently resigned according to an AP release.

You want to know why America can't win any friends?  Look who's doing the cheerleading.

Apparently CNN has been losing market share in the US and is looking to an International audience to fill its coffers - hence it is adopting the BBC line to secure advertisers and gain access to closed societies.

Previously Jordan admitted that he and CNN suppressed news and looked the other way as their Iraqi helpers were tortured and disappeared under Saddam's regime.  All to make sure that they were given continued access to Iraq in order to get the "Story".  What ruddy good is having the "Story" if you are not going to tell it?  Unless you just need pictures to support the story you already plan to tell.

Impartial press minearse - and not one of our Canadian outlets have picked up on this at all. :rage: :rage:

From Lawrence Kudlow:

In case you're returning to Earth after a brief sojourn on another planet, Eason Jordan accused the US military of deliberately targeting journalists in order to assassinate them. Besides the obvious anti-military bias, Jordan's comments were incredibly arrogant and cynical. And, yes, I believe these remarks border on wartime treason, since they so clearly give aid and comfort to our terrorist enemies and anti-American Arab militants throughout the Middle East.

Essentially, Jordan has attempted to back off his remarks. Without denying that he said them, he is basically saying he didn't mean to say them. Huh? On-the-scene eyewitnesses like liberal House member Barney Frank and the equally liberal Senator Christopher Dodd have corroborated Jordan's scandalous remarks. Equally reprehensible, CNN itself refuses to take ownership of the anti-American behavior of their top news executive. Also reprehensible is the fact that the Davos conference organizers refuse to release the tape that would so clearly indict Jordan.

The fact that CNN is trying desperately to make the story go away merely confirms the institutional anti-military bias of that news organization. If CNN had any patriotic backbone, or even good professional journalistic common sense, they would have, at the very least, suspended Jordan pending a thorough investigation.

There are alot of Eason Jordan's in the media pursuing their own agenda rather than just reporting the events of the day.
Reading the ongoing story in Instapundit and TKS, the pyjamahdeen have been furiously persuing the story while the MSM has been attempting to ignore it and hoping it would go away.

I knew the jig was up last week when it came out the session was vidiotaped, but no one, least of all Eason Jordan, was pushing to release it. If he was misquoted, then that would have been his vindication. Dan Rather, Eason Jordan, how many other MSM names will be knocked over by the pyjamahadeen in the Blogosphere, now that their more transparent lies are being shredded in real time?

My only question: when are the Canadian bloggers going to get organized and launch an assault on the CBC?
"My only question: when are the Canadian bloggers going to get organized and launch an assault on the CBC?"

Are you waiting for a written invitation? Consider this one.
a_majoor said:
My only question: when are the Canadian bloggers going to get organized and launch an assault on the CBC?


It's atleast a start.