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Bringing 'Em Back or Not? (I.D.'ed Cdn ISIS fighters, families, kids?)

What is it with people from Squamish?

They're a very passionate people... might have something to do with being able to own your own home so close to alot of great drugs ;)

“My radicalization was really about impressing my boyfriend, Gerry. What turned Gerry on was me being a militant urban guerrilla. … He wasn’t my boyfriend, he had no feelings for me.”

Just moved these last two posts here where they & other returnees have been discussed.

Milnet.ca Staff

This from the RCMP info-machine ...
... and a bit of back story (Nov 2023) ...
... and what Wikipedia has to say about that ISIS female unit
Usual reminder: According to Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, "Any person charged with an offence has the right .... to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal."
I think I'd like to know more about this Sean Moore fellow.
I think I'd like to know more about this Sean Moore fellow.
Quite the ... adventurer, him - an initial Google-fu shows he seems to have done work trying to help Yazidis et. al. in/around Kurdistan. Some back story going back to 2015 ...
"Canadian man held captive in Syria says he was tortured, kept in cell that felt 'like a coffin' " (cbc.ca)