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Biden’s state of the union address: a perfect summation of his presidency


Army.ca Dinosaur
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I have to agree.... it was tepid, at best, and a testament to failure on a variety of levels expressed by a tired and confused looking old man:

Biden’s state of the union address: a perfect summation of his presidency​

Moira Donegan

The US president has good intentions, with only halting, sporadic, uncreative, and trepidatious efforts to actually enact them

In this way, the speech was a perfect summation of Biden’s presidency: good intentions, with only halting, sporadic, uncreative, and trepidatious pursuit of actually enacting them. Unlike his predecessor, Biden tends to stay on script, but the State of the Union speech featured several ad libs – a product, some suspected, of the multiple revisions the speech was subjected to at the last minute, as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine placed new demands on the broadcast. The last of these was probably the most apropos: “Go get him,” Biden told the nation. Him who? Get him how? It didn’t make sense, but so little of this does.

"Go Get Him" was a little interesting.
I'll be curious who's action word that was.
That was a brutal speech.

Biden, Harris and Pelosi seem overwhelmed and confused.

Can't help but feel bad for Pelosi struggling to rub her wrists together when everyone was clapping.
That was just a hot, sloppy mess.

And Pelosi acting like a house fly on a turd at the mention of burn pits was custom made for posterity. That will never go away.
The past three Presidents have been foreign policy disasters.
I'm betting that Putin watched the SOU and concluded that he had chosen the perfect time to deal with Ukraine.
I take Trump's foreign policy attempts over the other two.
Yes and no.
I was a Trump guy, but he was an action guy. He didn’t overly think through the results side of his actions. I think he tried to view the world in business eyes and didn’t understand that not everything was about money or power.

I am no fan of the current encumbrance to the WH, but I think he tries to look at the longer view. He’s also more callous and cold that DJT, which can be a benefit when dealing with hostilities.

DJT actually cared about troops, and Americans in general, something that Sleepy Joe doesn’t do individually.