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Best Prime Minister

Wesley  Down Under said:
I am sure that pic won't be too hard to find, it was a b&w, and its no rumour, but being a public website, I am not goning to post it on here, just try googling it.


I did in fact find it  ;)
Greymatters said:
It is a bit rigged isnt it?  Why arent other previous PM's in the list as well? 

Why not include Paul Martin, Kim Campbell, John Turner and Joe Clark? 

Seeing how unpopular both Mulrooney and Chretien were when they left office, it is quite obvious that Trudeau and Harper are going to be the most popular ones...

Who, Who, Who and Who?    LOL
I think that the fact that you can only choose one changes teh answers a bit, cause this poll doesnt necessarily point out that mulroney is more liked then chrétien or anything like that, just that trudeau is most liked overall.

Personally I believe if trudeau werent an option chrétien would be higher then mulroney
Trudeau was the last visionary leader this country has seen - and hence will probably win (despite our attempts to rig the vote).

Not to say that I agree with all of his vision, but every now and then, an organisation (or a country) needs a visionary.  We need one now - and there is none on the horizon, in any of the parties, with the sole exception, perhaps, of Mr Ignatieff.
I think this new bloke Harper has balls, and is what Canada has needed for a long time. If I was still living in Saskatchewan, he'd have my vote for sure.
PPCLI Guy said:
Trudeau was the last visionary leader this country has seen - and hence will probably win (despite our attempts to rig the vote).

Not to say that I agree with all of his vision, but every now and then, an organisation (or a country) needs a visionary.  We need one now - and there is none on the horizon, in any of the parties, with the sole exception, perhaps, of Mr Ignatieff.

I agree with your assessment of P.E.T. - although I generally disagree with his vision.  He was, to say the least, a leader - and I recognize that fact even though I disagree with where he lead us.

Wesley  Down Under said:
I think this new bloke Harper has balls, and is what Canada has needed for a long time. If I was still living in Saskatchewan, he'd have my vote for sure.

I agree that this guy has some big brass ones - and I do think that he has some remarkable visions in mind for us - but I don't think he's a "leader".  He has failed to grab the imagination of the public.  And as much as I agree with his vision - he and I total two votes.  He doesn't have the pinache of a Trudeau.

I don't know who is out there that can grab the Canadian public like Trudeau did - I know who it ain't (any of the current leaders of the major parties) - but I can't see who it might be.

As much as I like Harper, and generally agree with his ideas - he has failed to inspire the "great unwashed" - and for that failure he will be deposited on the great dustbin of history - UNLESS something momentous happens and he grabs hold of it forthwith.

The problem with Trudeau is just that...style over substance, sizzle but no steak. He said what everyone wanted to hear, then reneged, and still people re-elected him. Yes, he had charisma, but was not a leader. A leader will make those hard choices, Trudeau took the easy way out every time.
Trudeau screwed Alberta with the National Energy Policy, if anyone cares to remember. Trudeau hated the military and did his very best to gut it. Trudeau politicized several national institutions (RCMP and the CF) by appointing "yes men" (syncophants) to prominent powerful positions. We've never totally recovered because everyone does it now.
Trudeau also gave the one finger salute to the West.
Remember him fondly? I don't think so.
Personally, I do not think we have yet had a good PM.  We are a nation founded by a drunk (MacDonald) next a racist (Laurier), a moral coward (Borden), a Lunatic (King), a Yankee Ass kisser (difenbaker), an Idealistic fool (Pearson), Trudeau (nuff said) and a thief (Cashroney), then the other thief (Creeptain), next Martin (super leader and Mr Chairman who dithered just long enough to get us our plumb assignment) and I do not feel free to speak ill of a sitting PM.  But in between does anyone really remember the names of the rest?
fraserdw said:
Personally, I do not think we have yet had a good PM.  We are a nation founded by a drunk (MacDonald) next a racist (Laurier), a moral coward (Borden), a Lunatic (King), a Yankee *** kisser (difenbaker), an Idealistic fool (Pearson), Trudeau (nuff said) and a thief (Cashroney), then the other thief (Creeptain), next Martin (super leader and Mr Chairman who dithered just long enough to get us our plumb assignment) and I do not feel free to speak ill of a sitting PM.  But in between does anyone really remember the names of the rest?

What about Louis St Laurent?

The list of his accomplishments are pretty impressive....do you have a personal attack against him too? The interesting thing about people is that none of us are perfect...despite that we manage to get things done that benefit the rest of humankind
Here's his record

Political Record
Trans-Canada Highway Act 1949
Promoted Canada's membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1949
Welcomed Newfoundland into Confederation 1949
Canadian participation in the Korean War 1950 - 1953
Appointed Vincent Massey first Canadian-born governor general 1952
Start of construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway 1954
Equalization payments 1956
Canada Council established 1957
Leader of the Opposition 1957 - 1958

Despite looking very hard and oddly enough, no, I do not have a "personal" attack against him.  It would seem he may get my vote.  The remainder may sound personal put the way I put but what was said about them is a quick summation of their work in office.
-Macdonald who during drinking parties bought and sold government assets to business pals like Canada was flea market.
-Laurier who designed and implemented most of the Indian Act, Non-white immigrant laws.
-Borden who committed than continued to support the sending of Canadians to the Imperialist Meatgrinder of WW1 long after he knew that Britains only true interest was in grabbing more colonies.
-King who used the supernatural to chart the course of our nation.
-D'Baker who destroyed our aircraft industry and gave us nuclear weapons (well sorta, we paid for them and maintained them but the Yankee held on to them).
-Pearson who dis-armed us without any benefit to us.
-Trudeau still nuff said.
-Cashroney lots being said.
-Creeptain more Cashroney different party.
-Martin who undermined his own government to become leader and then screwed that up (plus what I said before).

Joe Clark, he would have been damn good

He was in for 9 months, consider this : Nobody hate the guy  ;D  hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Reasonably his only mistake was being leader to early
recceguy said:
In the year 2107, which Canadian prime minister will be most fondly remembered?

Answering the original question, my answer would have to be Trudeau, it doesn't mean I agree with it but I really cannot see anyone else of those four being remembered much at all in 2107.  Although Harper has yet to win a majority, so he may yet have some spark in him to endear himself to history, so far he has been a rather lacklustrer PM.  It's hard to stand out as a minority government leader who is forced to compromise on almost all of his initiatives.

As for right now, well taking one national TV series as my poll: (The Greatest Canadian on CBC)

Trudeau (3rd) was better thought of than, Pearson(6th), who was better thought of than MacDonald (8th)
Not a PM but I'd take Tommy Douglas and his program that rbought about universal health care over any of that lot, and so did the rest of Canada according to that show  ;)