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  1. S

    AK-47‘s ?????

    Can I ask how certain people manage to obtain automatic AKs? I thought those were under the Restricted Firearms section of Canad'as Firearms Policies?
  2. S

    Infantry officer Requirements

    I heard that university students who are working towards a degree or received a degree from a Canadian post-secondary institute can qualify to become infantry officers in the Reserve Force? Can anyone elaborate on this...or correct me? Because I am currently in second-year and I'd like to be an...
  3. S

    I am not doing enough, am I?

    Wow, gee, thanks! This really helped me! No joke! I can always jog to work and back unless the weather really forbids that. What's a couple inches of rain gonna do? I will heed this advice for sure!
  4. S

    Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

    I have been doing push ups lately...and using my brother's dumbbells. I should be ready by the time September rolls around. I might end up taking private swimming lessons...ugh...I hate swimming but I guess I have to suck it up and do it. No other choice Thanks guys! You really helped me out here!
  5. S

    AK-47‘s ?????

    In an environment like Iraq or Afghanistan, I'd rather have an AK with me than an M4 or C7. No offense, but I prefer reliability over tech. And sure, it's range is dirt, but most firefights happen inside the AK's deadly range anyways, especially Iraq. The AK-74 has a longer range than the AK-47...
  6. S

    Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

    What's a good way to start preparing for the physical fitness test? I heard it's nothing to worry about, but considering I haven't done any extreme physical exercise since Grade 10 PE.....
  7. S

    Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

    Well, even so, I don't want to look like a total loser not being able to swim. (Sadly I can't legally drive yet either: I'm 19....herp). I have incredible amount of respect and awe for our military. The history behind it is amazing. Many people join without knowing about it. Any other things...
  8. S

    Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

    PO? And can someone in the Reserves help me out here?
  9. S

    Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

    Hi, I'm an extremely passionate military fan and I am joining the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada or the Royal Westminster Regiment of the 39 Canadian Brigade Group in September of 2013. I was wondering. I heard there was some sort of water test during BMQ? I'm not a very good swimmer (heck I...