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  1. E

    "Right to Work" in Canada ... thanks to PSAC's political stunt?

      Why didn't you just ignore me? The only reason I asked those questions is because I clearly don't understand.  but fair enough, who has time for dolts, certainly not army.ca forum posters. and now I'll just leave here and go continue the conversation I was having with the wall earlier. thanks.
  2. E

    I am not doing enough, am I?

    You've given some great advice. I'd like to share something that you've helped bring to mind and that is, ...other cardio...  like weight training?  do three repititions of some heavy clean and jerks and try to say you're not working your cardiovascular system. high intensity strength training...
  3. E

    "Right to Work" in Canada ... thanks to PSAC's political stunt?

    I'm curious.  I'm curious to know how much of a role these capitalists play in the free market.  When I say 'these capitalists' I'm referring to all the corporations that set up overseas and use a workforce that they're paying pennies in comparison to a Canadian worker.  (that happens right...)...
  4. E

    Word association (just for fun)

    rape  :crybaby:
  5. E

    Word association (just for fun)

  6. E

    "Right to Work" in Canada ... thanks to PSAC's political stunt?

    Their assessment showed that the bloc's labour policies were the best for the worker.  I think that's the issue worth focussing on.  but instead its just too easy to hear the word "bloc" and start freaking out.  "OMFG they want to separate, rah rah rah...  What was the issue again? they want to...
  7. E

    "Right to Work" in Canada ... thanks to PSAC's political stunt?

    According to PSAC the Bloc is better for Quebec workers, that's great to hear, why exactly would they be better for the workers than any other party?  What are the details, what does their policy have that the others don't?  Lets forget about the fact that the bloc want to separate and see...
  8. E

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    The whole thing was brought up because some guy told his friends that he had brain cancer.  So they raised $75000 for him, then he got charged with fraud, because aside from being a douche he was perfectly fine.
  9. E

    Why Most Leaders (Even Thomas Jefferson) Are Replaceable

    Interesting article. He points out that some leaders are replaceable talking heads that arent of any real value and the other type that rise to the occasion and mobilize people, he calls them 'unfiltered leaders'.  He wants to find a way to identify, elect and ultimately keep in check these...
  10. E

    Word association (just for fun)

  11. E

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    On the radio this morning the DJ said that he didn't realize it was against the law to lie in order to get money... (fraud)
  12. E

    I am not doing enough, am I?

    I advise you to get a book called "Body by Science" http://www.amazon.com/Body-Science-Research-Program-Results/dp/0071597174 One of the authors explains the cell structure and how it works.  How the metabolism cycles and what kind of adaptions your body makes with high intensity training...
  13. E

    Quebeckers have a mental Bloc

    Sorry my mistake, I should have been more clear.  By christians I meant protestant christians, not catholics... I should stop trying to make fun at the expense of the countless amount of suffering those Natives went through.  I thought there was a point...  something about working in the...
  14. E

    Quebeckers have a mental Bloc

    I think we should take every young francophone child and place them in the care of nice (christian) english families spread out across the country.  That should just about do it.  ::)
  15. E

    Opportunities in Neuroscience for Future Army Applications

    I figured this is the most appropriate place for this information. Enjoy. http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=12500#