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  1. Cormen

    Sovereignty Requires More Than Lip Service

    I wonder what the Rangers up their will think, thats a bit to be going on for a small force up there.
  2. Cormen

    Going hunting.. cadpat?

    Camo doesnt make a huge difference when blind shooting, or even walking through the woods, Bow hunting would be another story. Like said their color blind, the scent and movements you make are whats going to count. You would just be as well off with OD garments, plus you need a certain amount...
  3. Cormen

    Excellent Flash Lights - Dirt Cheap!

    Thats true, compared to surefire their a steal though.
  4. Cormen

    Excellent Flash Lights - Dirt Cheap!

    I had a TK10 from fenix for a while. it was stole last month from my car, and my brother was nice enough to replace it for me. Very durable light. 225 lumens for just under 1.5 hours, and 60 lumens, which is plenty enough for finding someone in the thickest for 10 hours. You guys should look...
  5. Cormen

    What is your military status?

    Hello everyone, I chose army, but in more depth im starting with the 4 canadian rangers patrol, and local SAR team. I just found the site, and thought it would be interesting to join up.