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  1. ZBM2

    suicidal thoughts

    downunder i feel you im in the same boat with you
  2. ZBM2

    suicidal thoughts

    i have a difficult time living and wanted to connect with people out there who i know are out there dealing with life and wanting to die I been there and want to find others to talks to
  3. ZBM2

    suicidal thoughts

    Anyone else out there having a hard time living and wanting to die? paranoid or angry for no reason? sweat bullets at night? crying jags all the time? want to eat a bullet pray to die? life not worth living? VAC can help
  4. ZBM2

    Any 1 CER members from early 90's still around

    Fuckin eh!! Cally!! SIR :salute: Don Miller here from your 1CER HQ and SIGS days. Dont suppose you remember? Do you maybe remember LT  ROY? I loved beating the crap out of that little shit in unarmed combat and the sports field. Im retired from the mob recently and have applied to work...
  5. ZBM2

    The Capital Punishment Debate

    Fix Bayonets! They aint worth the price of a bullet!
  6. ZBM2

    Its been 15 years now. Any Somalia/Airborne vets wanna reminice.

    Hell of a story brother. I cant imagine. I wish I could have flown out every night to (semi) civilization in Kenya. I bet you were even billeted at the Intercontinental. 4 star hotel. How did you cope? Must have been a drag getting pestered by all the gourmet chefs,free drinks, room service and...
  7. ZBM2

    Name The Weapon!!!

    Ive got a pic of a gun Id like identified. How do I post a pic on this site?
  8. ZBM2

    emergency preparedness

    I thought Id pass along a lesson learned since the topic is chainsaws. I was away back in the bush alone cutting firewood and left the headlights on in the truck. When I got back the battery was stone cold dead. I was looking at a 20 km walk home in the dark  when I got to thinking. Why not...
  9. ZBM2

    Favorite multitool? Gerber,Leatherman, etc

    The jaw on the leatherman is weak and the handle bites into my fingers and Id rather have a saw than a puny little rasp (fingernail file?) but the warranty is outstanding. I am considering a SOG.
  10. ZBM2

    Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Roméo Dallaire

    Mr. Dallaire failed big time in the mission and gained a succesful career and public life from it, playing the sympathy card. Im with Infidel-6 - 100%
  11. ZBM2

    Its been 15 years now. Any Somalia/Airborne vets wanna reminice.

    15 years ago today I hit the sand in Mogadishu and I remember it like yesterday. Swimming with sharks at the airstrip. sand in my IMP's and in my a$$crack. Sweltering furnace heat.  Mortars daily. P-flares nightly. Guns everywhere. Klingon vehicles on everyroute with skinny locals armed to the...
  12. ZBM2

    Eating Right, On a Budget

    Get yourself a juicer. If $$ are tight get one at the Salvation Army, newer model the better. Cost less than 10 bucks. Go to the local (fresh) produce stand. Buy large bag carrots, tomato, onion, apple or other fruit in season, celery and garlic. Juice them to taste daily for max nutrition. Easy...
  13. ZBM2

    emergency preparedness

    Alaskan sawmill powered by stihl (love :) that saw, me. Pushes out rough 10' 6X6 douglas fir. Contemplating a Woodmizer type bandsaw or maybe an antique belt driven 20"circular run off a PTO from the tractor (Ford 9n). Picked up an electic Shindaiwa (laugh here,now) chainsaw for bucking firewood...
  14. ZBM2

    emergency preparedness

    Mike Baker Thanks much for the link. Took a quick look at getprepared.ca and it seems VERY HELPFUL AND INFORMATIVE. I'll spend much more time browsing it in the near future. At first glance it doesnt seem to address the issue of mutual co-operation/assistance during an extended emergency which...
  15. ZBM2

    emergency preparedness

    PM to Simon
  16. ZBM2

    emergency preparedness

    Straightforward and understood. Couple questions. You mentioned solar and wind, is that a backup for when the genny fuel is rationed or a secondary charging system( low draw AM,VHF,CB SSB transceiver possibly?) I see you are a sawyer. Better saw, Stihl or Husqavarna?
  17. ZBM2

    Favorite multitool? Gerber,Leatherman, etc

    Im in the market for a new multitool as actually I broke my Leatherman recently, any favorites? And why, particularly. Im leaning towards the SOG. I like the heavy duty saw and plier jaw.
  18. ZBM2


    Have you tried Base Imaging? If they dont have they could likely point you in the right direction.
  19. ZBM2

    emergency preparedness

    Simon. Dettol wasn't on my load list. It is now. Thanks
  20. ZBM2

    emergency preparedness

    Willy, ref getting your butt to the base is the only thing required. A couple questions: Does your spouse/children know how to avoid the immediate hazards such as flood, electrocution, debris? Do they know the location of water and gas shutoff, main breaker? Do you? What if the children/spouse...