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  1. Rohann

    Testosterone Suppliments

    Well I got some multi-vitamines and minerals. The multi-mineral contains 100mg of magnesium and a fair amount of zinc as well, so I'll just stick to these. Thanks, -Rohann
  2. Rohann

    Testosterone Suppliments

    Thanks for the posts. I'm not worried about my testosterone level at all, I just read in the "shin splints and blisters" article that increased testosterone helps build muscle faster and more effectively, but I'm not taking anything that's going to potentially hurt my health. I'll stick to...
  3. Rohann

    Testosterone Suppliments

    I think I'm going to get a decent multi-vitamine and a decent multi-mineral. The multi-vitamines I'm taking now (I can't remember the name, it's a well-known brand though) only have 50mg of magnesium in them, and I don't believe there is any zinc in them. So would you guys recommend getting good...
  4. Rohann

    Testosterone Suppliments

    Thanks for the replies. I'm not looking into taking any sort of suppliment besides magnesium and zinc; there is no way in hell I'm taking any sort of specific testosterone suppliment. For building muscle, I use protein powder, vitamines, eat a lot of meat, and am looking into upping intake of...
  5. Rohann

    Testosterone Suppliments

    Also, does anyone know a good suppliment for magnesium and zinc? I have a magnesium suppliment here, but it's 300mg and the RDI is 350-500, and plenty things have a bit of magnesium in them so I don't want to overdo it. -Rohann
  6. Rohann

    Testosterone Suppliments

    Well I'm young, and I'm most definately not looking into steroids or anything stupid like that, but I read a topic on here a while ago about shin splints, blisters and physical training. I read that magnesium and zinc have been proven to produce a testosterone increase of up to 40%. I'm trying...
  7. Rohann

    CFB Chilliwack?

    Definately. I'm getting to know a few Sgt.'s and a MCpl. pretty well, and I'm starting to figure out how things go at the base there. -Rohann
  8. Rohann

    CFB Chilliwack?

    I have no idea if I got paid, I don't think my account is set up yet... I know that things happen, but it's the fact that there were SIX of us, all from the same unit, who weren't supposed to be on course. Two guys were on the waiting list, but the rest of us weren't even on the loadout sheet. I...
  9. Rohann

    CFB Chilliwack?

    Well I just got back from Chilliwack BMQ yesterday ::). It turns out me and 5 other guys weren't supposed to be on course because we weren't loaded for it...We sat in one of the common rooms for 10 hours, and ended up sleeping there until the next day where we stood around again, and then were...
  10. Rohann

    BMQ June 24 onwards!

    http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lfwa_hq/it/training_schedule.pdf. -Rohann
  11. Rohann

    CFB Chilliwack?

    Looking forward to it! I'm really glad I'm not going to Wainwright. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I hear this base is used by policen at times, so it should be pretty nice. -Rohann
  12. Rohann

    Canadian Soldiers in Afghanistan

    PeaceMAKER, not keeper. -Rohann
  13. Rohann

    CFB Chilliwack?

    Well I'm getting sworn in tomorrow night (CScotts, Res.), and I'm very excited about that. My friend got in a few months ago and I hope to be doing training with him, and the schedule says we're going to Chilliwack on July 3rd. What is the base like? I heard it's used by police so it sounds like...
  14. Rohann

    BMQ filled up for this summer?

    Handed in my papers in November, got called in January for testing. After testing was done and my papers got sent away (February 2nd), I wait 13 weeks until my papers came back, which is a while, but still not nearly as long of a wait as some of the people I've heard about. You'll be lucky if...
  15. Rohann

    Training Selection

    Well I phoned the recruiter yesterday and they said they're still waiting for my application to come in, but the recruiter is sure I'll get in in time for basics, so I'm not too worried anymore. -Rohann
  16. Rohann

    Training Selection

    Well I'm getting worried. I don't mean to be impatient but I really want to know whether or not I'm going to BMQ and infantry this summer...If the papers were processed and they sent the papers to the reserve unit I applied for, is there any reason why they wouldn't accept me or any reason why I...
  17. Rohann

    Training Selection

    I'll remember that! I've taken many a good ribbing ;). As a matter of fact, my dream job is to be some form or another of a Grunt. -Rohann
  18. Rohann

    Training Selection

    :-[ ;D. Meant no disrespect! -Rohann
  19. Rohann

    Training Selection

    Oh ok thanks, that sounds good. Well hopefully they want me...I think I joined at a good time though, as they said they were in need specifically of Reserve Infantry. And what qualifications do you really need to be a grunt :P ;)? -Rohann
  20. Rohann

    Training Selection

    Just called the CFRC today and they said that they're sending my paperwork to the Reserve Unit, and it could take about 2-3 weeks. Do they mean the Reserve Unit I applied for (CScots) or to Ontario? -Rohann