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  1. P

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    Alright thank you.
  2. P

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    ahh thats cool im going in for the MP's.
  3. P

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    yeah I agree. What are you going in for anyway? What number on that paper is our service number?
  4. P

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    yeah your right, the joining instructions say 1000 but my paper says 1300 Now I see your problem. Which one do ya go by
  5. P

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    really well i better check mine then cuase im prety sure my joining instructions said 1 I know that one piece of paper i got from my recruiters with a bunch of number and info on say's something about 1
  6. P

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    hey i tihnk im guna be there by 11-12 ish I think ya gotta be there by 1pm forsure.
  7. P

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    Im coming from the Kitchener Recruiting Centre and im from Walkerton, its 1:45 Minutes to Borden How about you?
  8. P

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    Jan 5th bmq at borden- Military police
  9. P

    Daryl Campbell - mp

    Hey im not sure if your still looking for this guy. And im not sure if the same person. But where im from I know of an officer with the opp by the name of daryl campbell. He use to come into our school an speak I believe he was the OPP spokesperson for the area or something like that. I believe...
  10. P

    July 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    Yeh man you should finish up school first. When I graduated from high school I very seriously wanted to join but also wanted to go to college. And im very glad I decided to go to college and get that experience first and now I feel im totally ready to join and committ to the army. A bit more...
  11. P

    July 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    yeh iv finnished college so im ready to go soon, im going to tell them that
  12. P

    July 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    ohh cool, yeh the recruiter told me it varies but he said not to apply unlil I would be prepared to leave in a month, chances are it wouldnt be that quick though.
  13. P

    July 2008 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    How long ago did you start your application? Im about to start mine, don't know how long it will take if I will have a shot at july or not.
  14. P

    anyone from kitchener?

    Oh yeah sorry Conestoga College. Yeah im gunna check that out
  15. P

    anyone from kitchener?

    hey, um not exactly sure where the kitchener aud is, do you have any idea how close conestoga is to it?
  16. P

    anyone from kitchener?

    Is anyone here from kitchener and can tell me how close the reserve infantry is to Conestoga, i want to join in the fall. I work 7-5 through the week so if i cant find out on here I guess ill have to take a day off work sometime.
  17. P

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    no, thats not the case at all, i wont ever do it again. Im just curious as to how they would find that out, there not the CIA, there the Canadian army. But i will come out and tell them
  18. P

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    how would they know if i did use it anyway, do i take a lie detector test, if it doesnt show up i my system
  19. P

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    yeah thats what im worried about, becuase ive read other threads on here in similiar situations where they said they were honest but had to wait six months or somethin before trying to get in, i dont wanna wait that long