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  1. Zell_Dietrich

    Tory minority in jeopardy as opposition talks coalition. Will there be another election?

    http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/11/27/question-period.html I think the opposition parties have allot more to loose by not fighting than by going into an election.  And I don't think the GG will allow the NDP/Liberals to assume the mantel of the government. Who else is geared for an election?
  2. Zell_Dietrich

    Sept 15 - Moss Park Demonstration

    I just saw a poster for this.  I thought people who go to Moss park, especially next Monday might want to know about this. www.housingnotwar.ca  ( http://tdrc.net/index.php?page=upcoming-events ) Once again just a heads up for next Monday.
  3. Zell_Dietrich

    Fox Attacks

    http://foxattacks.com I came across this video on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-eyuFBrWHs It was extremely ironic because I had this exact conversation with an American friend on mine two days ago.  And I did enjoy this...
  4. Zell_Dietrich

    Yet ANOTHER Discussion on Torture

    Point taken,  this is a public forum and as such we should project ourselves as humourless automatons.  :salute: I know my joke about rescuing Canadians being held in Gitmo was in poor taste,  I let the levity of the moment outweigh my judgement. If this was the cause of that outlast, I am...
  5. Zell_Dietrich

    Canadian labour unions take membership dues ($$$) to fund anti-Afghanistan agenda

    I was just walking home from returning a movie and I saw a poster for www.nowar.ca advertising a protest on Oct 28 in front of the US consulate here in Toronto.  I recognised the "labour donated USW 8300" at the bottom.  Also I noticed that they used several NDP catch phrases.  I didn't think...