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Search results

  1. Stefan_S

    Does Army Cadets help you become an Officer?

    Do the Cadets help you enter the Army Regular/ Reserve Force as an officer? As in, does having that Cadet experience on paper assist in the application, and acceptance of that said application? As well as the experience gained during Cadets, does it assist in basic training? In the end, will...
  2. Stefan_S

    Career Plan for CF; What do you guys think?

    Hello everyone, I have composed a career plan that will hopefully work. What are your opinions on this? I am currently in Grade 10. - In Grade 12 I join the Army Co-Op Program for my last 4 credits. - Finish, the Co-Op Program, sign up for University. - Get my degree in whichever field I...
  3. Stefan_S

    Is it possible to Talk to a Recruiter Online?

    Is there a possibility I can talk to a recruiter online? I would just like to know a few questions, that I cannot find anywhere on the forums. Thanks.