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Recent content by lenaitch

  1. lenaitch

    Ontario Majority Government 2022-2026

    It (and the LCBO) made sense when you consider that Ontario emerged from temperance/prohibition only reluctantly. It is within my memory, and probably some here, when buying liquor required a permit (actually, that part predates me) being presented with a purchase form using code numbers taken...
  2. lenaitch

    Ontario Majority Government 2022-2026

    The LCBO isn't going anywhere. They are still the sole wholesaler and distributor, even if their proprietary retail network will have more competition. The writing is on the wall for The Beer Store. I don't know what the ultimate model will look like; maybe individual brewers will be...
  3. lenaitch

    Current Dress Regs

    You might have honed in on the problem. In civilian service (law enforcement), a male supervisor/manager commenting on the appearance of a female subordinate, uniformed or otherwise, is a minefield that most will venture into once and only once. When my wife wore a police uniform, her hair was...
  4. lenaitch

    A Deeply Fractured US

    I'm not that familiar with US jurisprudence but, if it is anything like ours, the grounds for appeal in relation to jury trials is quite a bit narrower. The grounds are basically limited to errors in law (including process). Unless the defence can try to strike enough of the evidence that the...
  5. lenaitch

    A Deeply Fractured US

    No doubt exclusive interview offers and maybe book deals are already being discussed. Some news outlets are saying sentencing hearings "begin" on July 11th. I suspect there will be more that one and I suspect this will all be waylaid by an appeal. I expect any sentence, if and when it comes...
  6. lenaitch

    Ontario Majority Government 2022-2026

    And it's only costing them/us $225Mn to keep The Beer Store happy.
  7. lenaitch

    Ontario Majority Government 2022-2026

    Affection between federal and provincial team blue has always been typically strained, and it is not uncommon for the party in power in the province to be opposite that of their federal counterparts. There seem to be some signs that they are warming up to pull the pin. The party is in good...
  8. lenaitch

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    It's big; it's grey; it's got the wordmark, plus a guy in camo. If those big things were spinning, even better.
  9. lenaitch

    Canada orders dissolution of two companies for national security reasons

    Perhaps. I recall news items about disallowing or preventing a foreign investment or ownership; i.e. preventing something from happening, but not one of dissolution of a business relationship that is already in place. I'm all for it, and I'm not one of those who believe that the business of...
  10. lenaitch

    Transition to Municipal Police Force

    Until they do. I know all sorts of Toronto police and fire who have patched over to other services. It is obviously easier for large municipalities to hire and retain 'hometown folk', if for no other reason than there are a lot of hometown folk. Also, larger departments have the ability to...
  11. lenaitch

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    They need to resurrect a 1944-era Mulberry Harbour.
  12. lenaitch

    Canada orders dissolution of two companies for national security reasons

    This strikes me as an uncharacteristically bold move by our government.
  13. lenaitch

    Replacing the Subs

    And you might be right, and I wasn't thinking of a hostile foreign owner (which shouldn't be operating here at any time under any circumstances0, more a situation where, say, Toyota or Honda had its own reasons to be not totally on board with a particular Canadian military or foreign affairs...
  14. lenaitch

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    All of these suggestions would require a series of Constitutional amendments. Not going to happen, at least until the house is aflame. I'm not a fan of direct democracy. Perhaps if all 27-odd million eligible voters were engaged with the issues and took a national perspective then, maybe...
  15. lenaitch

    Replacing the Subs

    So, what, when the world, particularly the automotive manufacturing stream, pretty much shut down during COVID because of a chip shortage, we could have solved everybody's problems but nobody asked? People really didn't have to take delivery of vehicles with functions not working because of a...