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  1. GR66

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    He wasn't talking about Covid masks. Many protesters in the pro-Gaza rallies have been wearing face coverings to hide their identities.
  2. GR66

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    In my opinion you don't need to turn the AOPS into a Frigate in order to make it useful during heightened tensions or an actual conflict. As other have noted we're not about to see a Chinese or Russian invasion armada appearing over the horizon any time soon. However, enemy submarines and...
  3. GR66

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    100% agree and that's why we have ships like the MCDV's and AOPS in addition to the Halifax-Class and subs. However, I think it's also fair to say that the likelihood of open conflict between major powers slides along a scale through time and the weighting between combatant and non-combatant...
  4. GR66

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    It looks like this "statistic" is from a Save the Children report repeated in this CBC article: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/gaza-child-death-toll-1.7012927#:~:text=By%20comparison%2C%202%2C985%20children%20were,on%20children%20and%20armed%20conflict. The stats used are from Gaza's...
  5. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    It could also be a training formation and taking out experienced instructors (along with the mobiks) would be a win as well.
  6. GR66

    Trust in our Institutions

    If you read the article it was actually $2,200 not $20,000 and they decided to do the dock rather than the originally planned crosswalk which would have cost $6000. They also noted that the (unfortunately inevitable) vandalism which was expected to take place (and in fact did take place on the...
  7. GR66

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    I see where you're coming from, but... - countries will have military needs that don't necessarily match what would be required to face Russia in a NATO scenario. What is ideal for the Polish frontier might not be what is ideal for the Sahel. - there's something to be said for complementary...
  8. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    From one of the articles on the planned M1E3 Abrams:
  9. GR66

    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    And all with a population of 6 million. Here's a list of their Army equipment.
  10. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    My source is the first line in the linked article from the Kyiv Post. From Wikipedia: And I'm pretty sure the Israelis will have a clear idea of what's on the Syrian side of the border.
  11. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    Apparently Ukrainian special forces have been operating in Syria since the beginning of the year and alongside Syrian opposition forces have been conducting attacks on Russian positions in the Golan Heights. https://defence-blog.com/ukrainian-special-forces-strike-russian-positions-in-syria/...
  12. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    The thing with those cheap and plentiful FPV drones is that they still have quite limited range. If you can put enough mass into an attack (and enough suppressive fires) to force the enemy to start to pull back then those drone operators are forced to pull back as well, effectively removing...
  13. GR66

    Canada's tanks

    From the linked article: And as for the timelines on the XM-30 (and for the M1E3 as well if they are able to align production) this is from the Congressional Research Service backgrounder on the XM-30
  14. GR66

    Replacing the Subs

    https://www.canadiandefencereview.com/news/ise-unveils-its-revolutionary-subsea-surveillance-team- A great Canadian-made option for AUV's to supplement our submarine fleet. XL UUV's to extend our maritime domain awareness combined with a towed, underwater docking system which could be deployed...
  15. GR66

    Canada's tanks

    According to this DefenseNews article, the US Army is hoping to speed up design and production of the proposed new, lighter M1E3 Abrams so that it lines up with deployment of the M30 Infantry Combat Vehicle. If GDLS wins the M30 competition it would be a great opportunity for Canada up procure...
  16. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    Ukrainians using FPV drones to take out Russian UAV's: https://defence-blog.com/ukraine-uses-fpv-drones-to-intercept-russian-spy-drones/ Cheaper than a SAM
  17. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    Ukrainian Bradley takes out 2 x BTR-82's and dismounts attempting to cross an open field in daylight. Craziness. https://defence-blog.com/bradley-fighting-vehicle-destroys-russian-apcs/
  18. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    An interesting read from the Wavell Room on the fall of Avdiivka: https://wavellroom.com/2024/05/23/the-battle-for-the-durna-river-line-29-april-5-may-2024-avdiivka/ A couple of things from the article that jumped out at me: This highlights to me the importance of subterranean training (and...
  19. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    Another Ukrainian strike aimed at isolating Crimea... https://defence-blog.com/ukrainian-missile-strike-obliterates-ferry-crossing-in-crimea/
  20. GR66

    The War in Ukraine

    It appears that Russian manpower concerns might be seriously overblown... https://defence-blog.com/russian-cleric-claims-resurrection-of-chinese-mercenary-in-ukraine/