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  1. K

    Current Dress Regs

    That would require a change to the NDA. I can't speak for other units, but mine normally keeps on top of what most of the troops put on social media, anything deemed inappropriate is normally taken down pretty quickly. Many reserve units are also based in smaller communities, meaning that it...
  2. K

    Current Dress Regs

    I have heard speculation that Canadians won't be invited to mount the King's Guard anymore.
  3. K

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

  4. K

    "I'm an army reservist and a nurse. I learned to keep the first job a secret"

    I had one professor who saw "CD" in my signature block and went out of his way to come talk to me.
  5. K

    "I'm an army reservist and a nurse. I learned to keep the first job a secret"

    It might depend on which part of the country you are in. I've always had positive reactions. The worst I've gotten is homeless people yelling at me because I didn't have time to buy them a coffee. Workwise, most of my employers have been supportive. Many years ago before post-secondary...
  6. K

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    Well, it's understandable when pride somehow changed from being a day to a month and somehow interferes with Canada Day. I'm not sure everyone is happy about the 27 different new flags that they come up with every year. I really wonder if we will gradually see the number of pride flags displayed...
  7. K

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    And the cost of this whole thing goes up.
  8. K

    A Deeply Fractured US

    I actually don't know what is a scarier though: Trump winning the election, or Trump not winning the election.
  9. K

    A Deeply Fractured US

    Not since the American Revolution.
  10. K

    A Deeply Fractured US

    They may want to wait till after November.
  11. K

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    I remember seeing a replacement version in 2010 that was stacked so high in pouches that you never would have been able to fire in the prone position. I mentioned this and was told by the logistics Sgt showing them off that soldiers don't go in the prone anymore.
  12. K

    A Deeply Fractured US

    Except that that isn't true.
  13. K

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    I don't think that any of the vandalism is based on hate. I think that it is more because people are frustrated that they have to serve in a military that is being forced by the government to put tampon dispensers in the men's washrooms.
  14. K

    Current Dress Regs

    I feel like telling women that they had to shave their head would lead to a lot of VR's and an even bigger shortage of women looking to join the forces.
  15. K

    Current Dress Regs

    On the other hand, I don't know of any religious requirements for coloured hair. While I am sure that there may be other perceptions of coloured hair in other parts of the world, coloured hair in the West is normally used for someone to express individuality or rebel against expectations, but...
  16. K

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    I've known people who brought their own toilet paper. I still have not received a 40-minute lecture on or a DLN course on what tampons are, and how I'm supposed to use them.
  17. K

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    I'm pretty sure a lot of them were emptied on day one and have never been refilled.
  18. K

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    Well, the Gaza Strip is approximately the same size as Petawawa, The IDF has to try and manoeuvre around a population of 2 million people. No one is that good at Tetris. If only there were Arab countries nearby that they could go to.
  19. K

    Britain's Conservatives planning to bring back compulsary national service.

    Well, there would be the medically unfit, those with criminal records, and those who never pass grade ten, among other issues. I wonder if we might start seeing a few more people stop going to class in grade 10 if this were the case. I'm assuming we may have positions picking up garbage along...