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  1. Excolis

    documentation for CIC wearing the highland dress

    i know its out there, but i cant find it anywhere.. does anyone have the link to the CATO or the QR&O stating that CIC officers can wear the highland uniform? ive looked all over and cant find it someone help please
  2. Excolis

    possible flares? anyone know what these are in my photos?

    anyone know what these are?  i know they are old,    I'm curious that's all.
  3. Excolis

    albatross or an eagle. i had a good couple of arguments about this one

    http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/community/MapleLeaf/vol_9/vol9_19/919_08.pdf or http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/news/2006/05/01_e.asp I just had a few good arguments about this with a few airforce personel.   just wanted to point out that the army guy was right.  its an eagle. :) Edited for...
  4. Excolis

    Any Old Timers Out There???

    hey guys, just curious if anyone out there is older served in the Korean war.  I'm looking for shipmates of my grandfather CPO2 Don Lonnee  he was from Halifax, and served on the Iroquois, bonnie, Maggie, and a few others.  was a gunner (shot the big bugers on ships) 105mm maybe.  anyways, i...
  5. Excolis


    Anyone out there know what the boot name (type of wellington) you wear with the blue's or mess dress? Also if you know a contact to purchase these. thanks
  6. Excolis


    is there anyone out there that has anyone to contact at RMC for the OPME or undergrad courses?  i have tried many times with no success.  i am currently transferring from the CIC to the PRes, and this will help me.  any help is greatly appreciated thanks
  7. Excolis

    New Armouries in Windsor Ontario Pics

    here is some pics taken from a friend of the Military Institute. http://imageevent.com/gmockrcpilot/amouries
  8. Excolis

    need women advice.. who bettter to ask

    K short story i stopped to help a pregnant women that got hit by a car and my GF, decided to make out with another guy because she thought i was disappointing her again.  she flips out when i ever have to go on a weekend exercise, or a dinner.  i invite her to the dinners, but she hates anything...
  9. Excolis

    22 Wing North Bay

    all you air force folk out there know of anywhere interesting to go while in 22 Wing?  i am headed up there on a course at the end of Aug, and was looking to get some tips on where to go. Bars/restaurants ect.  hope someone can help me out a bit. cheers :salute:
  10. Excolis

    Mess etiquette

    ???   ???question to all out there.   i have been taught in the past that wearing your head dress and putting your head dress on the table in the mess is against the regs.   is it in the rules that you have to put your head dress in the coat room if there is one there.   this question is...
  11. Excolis

    International Armed Forces Night

    Hello all. Just wondering how many people would be interested in going to the international armed forces night dinner? it is in may, cost is $80. this year it is held in Canada, last year it was at Selfridge (ANGB), and it was an excellent time. If i get enough responses, i will post...
  12. Excolis

    Dress regs

    does anyone know what the dress regs are for males about rings? if you have a link that would be great. cheers, brad
  13. Excolis

    A Little Pissed at the Windsor Star

    I am a little bothered by how the military gets viewed by the windsor star. i was reading the paper the other day, and it had Arnold on the front page declaring victory in Florida, and they put the article of the two fallen solders in the second section. i was reading the editorials the next...
  14. Excolis

    Col marching out dinner

    anyone from windsor going to Col Celestino‘s retirement dinner next fri?
  15. Excolis

    help me out

    one of the kids at my cadet corps went to write his entrance exam, and failed math. he asked the Sgt there if he wrote and failed again, would he be able to take the test again. the Sgt said yes. he ended up taking the test again and failing, now one of the Capt, are saying to take the test...
  16. Excolis

    screen name

    i was just wondering if anyone knows how to change the screen name. apparently some people are offended that i am using my current name, and in no way i want to offend anyone, so if anyone can help me out that would be great. cheers