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Recent content by JLB50

  1. J

    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    Can’t remember if the correct legal term is sedition, treason or something else, but Canada should reserve a special place in hell for politicians of that ilk. We need to take those crimes much more seriously and not just slap wrong-doers on the wrist.
  2. J

    Remains found at Kamloops residential school 'not an isolated incident,' Indigenous experts and leaders warn

    Interesting, especially in view of the fact that Professor Frances Widdowson, a proponent of critical thinking, got fired from her teaching post at Mount Royal University for basically saying the same thing.
  3. J

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Maybe he’ll be driven in a 1981 Russian Lada.
  4. J

    Rex Murphy, 1947-2024, R.I.P.

    Often times I agreed with him, and perhaps equally, I frequently disagreed . Still, I loved the guy. And he loved Canada. He was quite a rare individual who seldom failed to make us question our own assertions while making us chuckle at the same time. R.I.P., Rex.
  5. J

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Both Pretty Boy Justin (and friends) as well as Pierre Polyester have no intention of seriously increasing the defence budget, otherwise they would now be informing the public of the true seriousness of the threats posed by China, Russia and their axis-of-evil buddies. Canada has no equivalent...
  6. J

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Yet Anand never really said much in public. At least Blair, for all his faults, has been quite vocal of late.
  7. J

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    Many of the upper class in Britain were terrified of communism and initially thought Hitler would stand up to the Reds and then everything would be back to normal and everyone in Europe would live happily ever after.
  8. J

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    While I certainly can’t speak for everyone, I think most here in this forum are of the opinion that the likelihood of war between the major powers of the world is becoming increasingly likely. If or when that time comes, we’re going to need an incredible sense of unity and patriotism to stand...
  9. J

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    Maybe, he will even give Russia permission to invade our Arctic areas for not carrying our weight in NATO.
  10. J

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    I’ve never been a fan of Bill Blair, particularly when he was Chief of Toronto Police Services. However, I must say, that he has been saying things lately that few others in his party have dared to say about the state of our defence capabilities. Even if he is not an eloquent speaker, his...
  11. J

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Almost every major newspaper in the country, regardless of their political slant, has reported on the alarming lack of commitment to NATO by our government. Considering how Canada was one of the founders of NATO in the first place, it’s a sad comment on our times. Frankly, I’m disgusted with...
  12. J

    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    For those more knowledgeable about legal matters, is treason a harder offence to prove in Canada than, say, in the U.S.or U.K.?
  13. J

    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    I just hope that he and his ilk are thrown out of office come election time.
  14. J

    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    It’s as if Canada has a sign on its back saying “Kick Me”. I wonder which nation the ChiComs think is the biggest pushover.