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  1. S

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

    https://www.twz.com/land/shipping-container-like-launcher-packing-126-kamikaze-drones-hits-the-market this is definitely artillery right?
  2. S

    Canada's tanks

    i read somewhere that it will, been looking for it. maybe more info on KNDS
  3. S

    Canada's tanks

    I think all EMBT/KF51/ARC 3.0 are all planned on having a 30mm RWS/Trophy and a coax
  4. S

    Canada's tanks

    Is the Gepard not already on a Leo1 hull?
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    Canada's tanks

    im pretty proud of myself for mastering the technology lol
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    Canada's tanks

  7. S

    Replacing the Subs

    Makes sense just noticing that Block 2 has much greater Korean sourced equipment than Block 1. Do we need or want 10 VLS though? What about the CMS?
  8. S

    Replacing the Subs

    Hmm KSS3 Block 1 or Block 2? Hanwha or Hyundai? 6VLS or 10VLS or none?
  9. S

    Canada's tanks

    any hull? 2A4/2A5/2A6? are all the usable hulls being made into 2A7's and 2A8's? Or are they complete new builds?
  10. S

    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    This Vard Vigilance proposal doesnt quite seem to be the cheap Kingston replacement anymore though does it?
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    Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels (MCDVs)

    How do we figure Ontario Shipyards involvement? Do they plan on keeping it under 1000 tonnes? Cant imagine Davie, Seaspan and Irving liking that
  12. S

    Canada's tanks

    opinions on the pivoting gun? vs active suspension?
  13. S

    Canada's tanks

    another possible Leopard 2 evolution KNDS manufacturer?
  14. S

    Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

    I believe Rein Taagapera with his work on the evolution of the size and duration of polities calculated that global polity around 4400
  15. S

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Well thats a matter of definition isnt it? And does the CCG not already do law enforcement as indicated in many places on many of the threads at least as a platform provider as you yourself noted? Seems like people are arguing that it should be the CCG's job and not the RCN I wonder if how we...
  16. S

    A Deeply Fractured US

    Hunter Biden guilty
  17. S

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    but only because the CCG is limited? I dont think it would be a big deal to others if there were more sharp pointy ships
  18. S

    Cuban Missile Crisis 2 ?

    Got it covered
  19. S

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Constabulary function is an add on to the RCN and it doesnt seem likely that we will see a change in the CCG. Come a SHTF situation Im sure the AOPS will get add on capabilities and will be useful for patrol and surveillance close to home
  20. S

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    probably going to be pressure to use the AOPS for more and more as the years count down to the first couple of CSC's coming online in the 30's as well as maybe resistance to do so out of worry that the CSC project will be curtailed Also wasnt the Svalbard designed to have a 57mm?