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  1. Infanteer

    A Blog Link About Toxic Leadership

    While the talk on toxic leaders is worthwhile, I wish we could address the narrative somewhat. For every toxic leader in the CAF, there are probably five good ones (completely unscientific). I've dealt with some toxic leaders, and they pop up for various reasons, but fortunately, that's an...
  2. Infanteer

    Current Dress Regs

    I can see you haven't read the TFSO for Op IMPACT, which places restrictions on grooming and appearance (to include died hair) for operations in that JOA.
  3. Infanteer

    Army Reserve Restructuring

    Don't forget about the Keto Gummies....
  4. Infanteer

    Army Reserve Restructuring

    There are two runways. One has buildings and other stuff on it, the other doesn't.
  5. Infanteer

    Army Reserve Restructuring

    It was used last spring - C-130 landed on it.
  6. Infanteer

    Updated Army Service Dress project

    The tailoring cost is something to be avoided. Slip on epaulettes have little to no cost.
  7. Infanteer

    South Alberta Light Horse Regiment to amalgamate with larger reserve force

    But they perpetuate a grouping of German Immigrants that fought at the Battle of Muzzletown Rapids and have a battle honour for it (awarded 200 years after the fact). And the CO is our direct link to the Mayor of Flin Flon! Think of the Children!
  8. Infanteer

    South Alberta Light Horse Regiment to amalgamate with larger reserve force

    Anything out of a Battalion is considered Extra-Regimental Employment. ERE postings are in the eye of the beholder, and you will see a varied lot posted to any ERE position. I've seen some of the best junior officers in a battalion sent to an RSS posting because they wanted the specific...
  9. Infanteer

    British Military Current Events

    This seems equivalent to the General Service Medal. Serve in Afghanistan? General Campaign Star. Support Afghanistan from Camp Mirage? General Service Medal.
  10. Infanteer

    Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization

    Shirts, pants, bush hat. Rest will follow. Get ready to look disruptive with MixPat for a bit.
  11. Infanteer

    2024 BC Election

    BC has an interesting political dynamic. You have big city voters in Vancouver and Victoria, lots of smaller city/suburbs in the south (which can go either way), and then the rest of the province - largely based on forestry and mining, which is a curious mix of rural "stay away big government"...
  12. Infanteer

    Battle of Hoth revisionist history

    I would have formed the Stormtroopers into 2 Divisons - a Light and a Heavy. The Stormtrooper Bns would be organized into 30/70 Bns with a mix of Regular and Reserve Stormtroopers. The AT-AT would be replaced with a CV-90 with various turret options. Scout troopers would be assigned to a LIB...
  13. Infanteer

    Updated Army Service Dress project

    No more command badge - cost too much to produce.
  14. Infanteer

    CAFTDTI Accomodation Interpretation

    Problems arise when people feel the need to interpret policy that is pretty black and white....
  15. Infanteer

    LGBTQ Stuff (split from other political threads)

    Wow. That is a National Enquirer level bait-and-switch headline. The article never talks about parents once, but describes how far-right groups are being monitored for anti-LGBT messaging and intimidation. Glad you found some "quality journalism" as an alternative to MSM!
  16. Infanteer

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    He's got a history of demonstrating that. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/stephen-harper-at-g20-tells-vladimir-putin-to-get-out-of-ukraine-1.2836382
  17. Infanteer

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    Very inciting?
  18. Infanteer

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    Not high ranking, but what was this officer thinking? Probably something to be dealt with after the fact on the sidelines.
  19. Infanteer

    USAF 2* Facing court martial for sexual assault, dereliction of duty, behavior unbecoming of an officer and adultery.

    What a crock - "can I retire quietly and go away rather than facing a trial for sexual assault?" That plea alone would make me send this to trial if I was a judge.
  20. Infanteer

    6 B.C. search and rescue leaders pen finger-pointing letter to provincial government

    Hmm...I wonder what paramedic organizations did when faced with this sort of problem? 🤔