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Recent content by medicineman

  1. medicineman

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    Oh well...now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
  2. medicineman

    CFLRS Hell Platoon

    While my Recruit training is quite dated, there was a thing being trialled in Cornwallis while I was there where platoons that were largely combat arms or combat support trades had things somewhat more stressful than those in high tech/thick glasses specialties - low maintenance floors/lockers...
  3. medicineman

    New U.S. Study: "Military rank affects medical care, offering societal insights"

    Had friends that were federal screws in Kingston - apparently they are supposed to be seen within 72 hours for primary care things and if something requires specialist care, must be seen considerably sooner than you or I would get in to be seen...I want to say he said 14 days, mind you that was...
  4. medicineman

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    Combat Gauze uses kaolin, which is found in clay (can be used to treat diarrhea - KAOpectate) and is not a shellfish protein. I stopped carrying the chitosan powder at work and only carry Combat Gauze.
  5. medicineman

    Medical Results taking forever

    No worries
  6. medicineman

    Medical Results taking forever

    Well, the job is hard so it should be a little difficult to get in, and if you are in the middle of Ungabungalooktutuk, you had better be reasonably healthy, since looking after someone and getting them out of adverse areas is sometimes a risk to more than just the sick person, especially in...
  7. medicineman

    Phoenix Pay System - Shit's Horrible

    ...and those are the good qualities...
  8. medicineman

    Medical Results taking forever

    Yes - took my kid almost 7 years to get through that nonsense
  9. medicineman

    Medical Results taking forever

    You would need to have the doc write a formal letter (likely at further cost unfortunately) to reiterate that it was for a brief illness and has never in fact had any issues with asthma like symptoms before or since, as well as have your son (not you) send in an appeal letter with it. Problem...
  10. medicineman

    Care for CADPAT

    As he should have...
  11. medicineman

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    Seen people stab themselves more than once with Epipens or the old atropine-oxime autoinjectors - lack of SA as to (a) direction weapon pointed and (b) that safeties were out...
  12. medicineman

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    We had a scary one in a Base Hospital I worked in where the person had an anaphylactic reaction to a sting or food I think, then got a tad better but got worse and worse despite epinepherine...turns out they were allergic to the sulfite preservative in the epinepherine...so a wonderful cycle of...
  13. medicineman

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    My first job out of the military was in a small farming community 30 minutes to any hospital in any direction - I always prescribed the injectors in pairs (or used TwinJects when they were available), as it really only buys you about 20 minutes - I have evacuated people out of the woods and such...
  14. medicineman

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    When I was in Recruiting, the CEMS wasn't the issue, the moving target was and will continue to be about the conditions people have/had and how to view them in the occupational and operational medicine spectrums...and were a moving target even to serving members when it came to retention vs TCat...