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Search results

  1. McG

    Canada orders dissolution of two companies for national security reasons

    This is interesting. https://www.reuters.com/business/canada-orders-dissolution-two-firms-citing-national-security-concerns-2024-05-25/
  2. McG

    Jens Stoltenberg: West facing 'authoritarian' alliance

    The authoritarian powers have coalesced. Are NATO and other global democracies ready to protect their shared values? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68743805.amp
  3. McG

    Constraining Canadian Federal Budget during Post COVID Downturn

    Here’s an idea to ponder. https://thehub.ca/2023-11-30/trevor-tombe-one-straightforward-way-to-balance-the-budget-cut-seniors-benefits/ And an interesting observation:
  4. McG

    Compensation improvements for Reservists who are also PS

    New CANFORGEN dropped. If you are PRes & your day job is in the public service, you will be paid according to whichever rate of pay is higher when employed on Class B or Class C. This will ensure reservist do not take a cut to their government pay when going on task or on operation.
  5. McG

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    This will get worse. Israel: Gunmen from Gaza kill at least 22 in major attack
  6. McG

    Federal Govt to sell several NCR properties

    Why off-load a bunch of crown owned office buildings in the downtown core or along main transit lines while retaining rental buildings on the fringes of the NCR with poor transit connections (and in some cases adjacent to bulk fuels facilities)...
  7. McG

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    https://www.thestar.com/politics/2022/12/21/public-service-union-to-file-labour-board-complaint-over-hybrid-work-plan.html I’ve heard speculation that this return to the office policy was a pressure tactic to force other concessions from the union during the ongoing pay negotiations. I’ve heard...
  8. McG

    Explosion in Istanbul 13 Nov 2022

    No cause stated at this time. Location was a pedestrian street known to draw tourists. https://globalnews.ca/news/9274537/istanbul-explosion-istiklal-avenue/
  9. McG

    Two aircraft collide at Dallas Air Show 2022

    Two historic military aircraft collide at air show.
  10. McG


    This is weird. Craiyon, formerly DALL-E mini
  11. McG

    CAF Aviators needing homes sent to Habitat for Humanity.

    This is going to go well. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadian-military-habitat-for-humanity-suggestion-1.6463424
  12. McG

    Putin’s Lebensraum

    Yale professor, Jason Stanley, makes the argument that Putin is twisting the Russian identity to enable the same sorts of horror and genocide that the Nazis inflicted on Europe...
  13. McG

    Four RMC cadets killed in vehicle accident on campus

    Sad news. https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/four-royal-military-college-cadets-killed-in-kingston-ont-incident-1.5881817
  14. McG

    RMC - bachelor straight into master program

    I have seen a few incidents of RMC ROTP students who are kept at the college after graduation to complete a masters degree before heading to a first real posting. These are not individuals who were kept in the education system because they needed to do something while waiting for a spot in the...
  15. McG

    War Gaming & Sid Meier’s Civilization

    War gaming can be an excellent tool for training, learning, and practice. But a game can also teach and reinforce bad lessons. Designing a good war game to train and exercise military staff is probably harder than designing a game to entertain (harder still would be designing the game that does...
  16. McG

    Canadian Sappers deploy to assist Iqaluit against water contamination problems

  17. McG

    GOFO promotions and postings 2018

    I hear the message is out.  Does anyone have the text?
  18. McG

    Russian market explosion with casualties - 27 Dec 2017

    Have seen this on a few French media already, but nothing English language yet. http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1075229/une-explosion-dans-un-commerce-fait-plusieurs-blesses-en-russie
  19. McG

    RAND: Rethinking US Force Structure

    https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR1700/RR1782/RAND_RR1782.pdf I have only gotten through the summary so far, but this has the potential to be interesting and maybe to offer a few insights relevant to Canadian Force structure considerations. Figured I would drop the...