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Recent content by FormerHorseGuard

  1. F

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    I work in property management and look after some government properties, and all the dispensers in the men's room are being tossed in the trash most days. Some clicks the button and tosses them in the trash almost daily. Only what I have seen in Ottawa and non DND buildings. waste of money...
  2. F

    Asbestos Latvia

    i totally understand that, i was just curious now that i know more about than i did when was younger ( professional line of work have over seen a lot of removal jobs ). 9"x9" floor tiles almost 100 % chance dry wall mud ( till early 90s taking old stock into account) textured ceilings fire...
  3. F

    Asbestos Latvia

    But building 132 at CFB Toronto is long gone Now a green space lol
  4. F

    Asbestos Latvia

    I lived in Barracks at CFB Toronto and the building was full of asbestos, the washroom next door to my room had the ceiling fall down right over the toilets and urinals on the first floor. Weeks later it was closed off for repairs, no warnings just closed off for a few days then a new ceiling...
  5. F

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    Just my opinion. This is going to be the end result. Hamas will end up retreating out of the Palestine, under the protection of UN troops, much like the PLO retreat. The IDF will set up defensive check points to stop the Hamas from getting back to strong points close to the Border area. UN...
  6. F

    Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

    I served with the LGen back in the days he was 2nd LT and LT. He was a fun person. But he was a tough JR Officer, and he was on TV at the Oka. I think you will see a retirement and a golden handshake and he will move on. He was not going any where beyond the position he was in. His past...
  7. F

    CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

    But nothing Bombardier has ever made for the Canadian military has lived up to the purpose it was designed for. They have never designed a aircraft that may go into combat, there is no common parts in any NATO fleet so spare parts not going to available on demand at over seas bases. Everything...
  8. F

    Tartan Trews in 2023

    Where do you live? Ottawa area? Try the Scottish Irish store They have some t artans in stock
  9. F

    Quebec sovereignty?

    When they held the last vote to separate they had a slush fund of billions of dollars and the next day the funds did not materialize as they lost the vote and they put the money back where it was suppose to be. Or the money was never really there. If they were to have another vote, this would...
  10. F

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    Iran's president is not alone in wiping Israel off the map. A group of academics and journalists are eradicating Israel - not with nuclear weapons but with ink and paper. On bookshelves in the West, you can see quite a number of books which wipe Israel off the map, and it is almost impossible to...
  11. F

    Over 1.8B in parts going to hell in a hand basket

    lots of crates like that were outside around 1CFSD . I always wondered if they were full or empty, some of them were for aircraft we no long had, CF18 were only aircraft and some were much older crates
  12. F

    Over 1.8B in parts going to hell in a hand basket

    Old guy here and this will date me. Base Defence Exercise. Tasked to guard the 1 Canadian Force Supply Depot at CFB Toronto around 1992/1993 We were not allowed inside, the building was massive and too much of value inside to risk. So we would have to do rotating patrols around the compound...
  13. F

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    but who corrects the dress of a Field Marshall? Not me. But would be fun to say it out loud. then pay off in push ups for my comment
  14. F

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    and who corrects him? One of them is the badge that goes with the beret, this is the badge of the Royal Tank Regiment and it was on the beret when he was presented it informally by the men of the regiment. The second badge is his beret badge which is worn by all General Officers which he had...
  15. F

    Bringing 'Em Back or Not? (I.D.'ed Cdn ISIS fighters, families, kids?)

    Till you are the one in the cell, and the world as you know has changed, and then you find out just how many rights and benefits you have coming. You have more rights once you are charged or convicted of a crime then you did before you were charged or convicted. rob a bank spend time in jail...